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X22REPORT: The Narrative Is Being Set, Something Big Is About To Drop, D5 – Ep. 2514

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The Narrative Is Being Set, Something Big Is About To Drop, D5 – Ep. 2514







The Setup Is Complete, Something Big Is About To Drop, D5
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The people are now seeing a different economy, they are experiencing the [CB] economy on it’s way out. People are experiencing inflation, this is the indicator that wakes people up, because it happens in real time. Trump put out a statement about the infrastructure. Countries are now moving away from fiat and moving towards sound money.  The [DS] is panicking, Trump is now shaping the narrative.  Optics are important, timing is important, Trump must be neutral. The [DS] players are planning something, they know that it is game over. The fake news is having trouble keeping their audience, people are no longer believing. The [DS] is most likely setting up 2 different [FF], the narrative is being built.


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