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X22REPORT: [DS] Never Thought She Would Lose,Now They All Lose,Timing Left Up To The Patriots – Ep. 2543

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[DS] Never Thought She Would Lose,Now They All Lose,Timing Left Up To The Patriots – Ep. 2543





[DS] Never Thought She Would Lose,Now They All Lose,Timing Left Up To The Patriots
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The [CB]/[DS] is now setting up the supply chains to explain away inflation. They are now reporting China will be locking down because of Covid. The infrastructure bill includes wording to track cryptos. The IMF is preparing to push the new currency SDRs. Will this push the US to move to the Gold standard?  The [DS] is panicking and preparing for the fallout of the forensic audit in AZ. Cuomo investigation is complete and the Ds are calling on Cuomo to resign. Are they trying to control the narrative. Codemonkey Z releases a video displaying how the election systems are connected to the internet and Dominion has access to the system. The [DS] never thought she would lose, now they all lose, the patriot’s will control the timing of events. Time is ticking down and the [DS] knows this, buckle up the ride is going to get bumpy.



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