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X22REPORT: Ep 2583a – The WEF/[CB] Plan Fails Before It Can Be Implemented, No Cover Story

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Ep 2583a – The WEF/[CB] Plan Fails Before It Can Be Implemented, No Cover Story




The [CB]/Ds are still trying to push the UBI, this will fail, the people do not want to be controlled. The US does not have a labor shortage, what happens when you bring more people into the country. FedEx & UPS are raising prices, it has begun. The house votes to fund the Gov until Dec, Trump put out a statement and tells the Rep to use the debt ceiling has leverage. The [CB] is building the narrative of supply chain issues. The WEF makes its move with a carbon based credit card, this has failed before it even gets started, the people will reject this just like the vaccine mandates.