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SOTN: GLOBAL PSYOP: Here’s the crux of the “COVID CON” stealthily carried out to lock down planet Earth forever


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“Who doesn’t know the game?  Whenever the Military-Industrial Complex want to steal literally trillions of dollars from US taxpayers, they pull out their “National Security” card.  The USA is now bankrupt because of how many times that national security canard has been used ever since the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913.  Now fast forward to 2021.  The Powers That Be are constantly slapping down the “Societal Safety” card to compel and coerce vaccination compliance.  Just imagine how many times this extremely dangerous card can be pulled out of their hat.  Should the American people acquiesce to this absurdly fake justification, there will be no end to the countless ways that TPTB will use societal safety to lock us down in the future.  And take away our rights.  And liberties.  And freedom to live a normal life.”

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

State of the Nation

Here, first listen to the Covid Con Man-in-Chief tell us where this is all going IF WE DO NOT REMOVE HIM AND HIS ILK FROM POWER POST-HASTE.

How was that for an Oscar-winning performance that will push millions into the throes of vaccine-induced death, disease and debilitation?

Government-Corporate Complex Reigns Supreme

Everyone ought to know that the current totalitarian Government-Corporate Complex that dominates the United States can fabricate virtually any scenario with which to oppress the American people.

Therefore, should contrived scaremongering around THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC continue unabated, and produce the desired nefarious outcomes of the New World Order globalist cabal, the American Republic will irreversibly collapse.

Therefore, it’s imperative that all ‘vaccine’ mandates be fiercely resisted to complete reversal; and those who have ordered them be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Dr. Fauci is obviously the primo frontman for this international scheme to commit intentional global genocide.  Hence, he must be apprehended and taken off the street immediately lest millions of Americans die an agonizing death via the exceedingly dangerous and deadly Covid killshots.

Global Psyop

There is no easier way to compel/coerce ‘vaccine’ compliance than to shame people into getting a Covid vaccination to protect their family, friends, coworkers, fellow churchgoers, etc.

This mind manipulation is at the very crux of the unconstitutional governmental mandates and unlawful  corporate requirements to vax every American in sight.

The main power and overwhelming influence of this psychological weapon is that it preys on every individual’s intention and desire never to hurt another person.  Who but a real sociopath ever wants to hurt anyone, either intentionally or accidentally?!

Big Pharma’s inside man— Dr. Fauci — who is no doctor at all, was chosen to spearhead this psyop in a manner that only he can do.  You see, has been trained and schooled, mentored and coached to be the greatest CON MAN in U.S. history—BAR NONE.  And this is how his masters and handlers did it (See link below).

FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be


Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide

Quite unfortunately, Fauci has done a stellar job at conning many folks into the grave…or into a hopeless physical existence.

By the way, the name “Fauci” means “Jaws” in Italian.  Isn’t that exactly how this “Dr. Mengele” of the 21st century is using his mouth—to chew up and spit out an untold number of trusting souls via his Covid death jab.



The only way to break the back of this global psyop is to take down the primary purveyors of so much vaccine falsehood and COVID-19 disinfo.

Once Fauci is arrested, tried for crimes against humanity and hanged live on the Internet, his severe punishment will serve as a deterrent to all of his Covid criminal co-conspirators.

Now, let’s get busy forming the citizen grand juries, issuing citizen indictments and warrants, as well as conducting the citizen trials that will sentence these Covid criminals to death.  This whole process can lawfully begin with the county sheriffs deputizing citizen deputies who can legitimately execute the warrants and make arrests.  As follows:

Open Letter to All County Sheriffs

State of the Nation