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X22REPORT: The Attempted ‘Coup’ [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious… – Ep. 2728

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The Attempted ‘Coup’ [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious… – Ep. 2728


The Attempted ‘Coup’ [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious…
The Fed started the ball rolling, the controlled collapse of the economy, the economy is imploding but the Biden administration are trying to make it look like the economy is doing well. The [CB] is doing exactly what the patriots want, destroying their old system, but this will not work they way think. The [DS] is panicking now and trying to get ahead of the story of Hunter Biden. Weiss is on the hunt and it seems he is ready to produce some information on the case. The attempted coup/treason opens the public door for more serious crimes. The pill needs to be easy to swallow. The narrative is now being produced. The war is not going the way the [DS] wanted it too. They are trying to bring back covid but this will fail. The people see through all this now. Election fraud evidence is being produced, who will be the first state to push this forward and decertify.





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