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X22REPORT: Durham Got What He Needed, Pawn Sacrificed, How Do You Set The Stage (Board)? – Ep. 2788

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Durham Got What He Needed, Pawn Sacrificed, How Do You Set The Stage (Board)? – Ep. 2788


Durham Got What He Needed, Pawn Sacrificed, How Do You Set The Stage (Board)?

The world is imploding, the [CB] need to push their agenda, but they have a problem the world can see what they are doing, theses events are not happening by themselves, there is no pandemic or war they can blame this on. The jury came back with a ruling on the Sussman case, they found him not guilty even though the evidence shows he is guilty. Durham knew this was going to happen, but he needed the evidence under oath to move forward with the other indictments, he had to sacrifice Sussman to go after the big game. How do you set the stage (board), think chess. This move was necessary, this is a marathon and it has to be done right. Sussman was a foot soldier, but the information and the admission under oath was more important.


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