Arrest Florida election supervisor for voter fraud! Exclusive: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson blasts Sunshine states's blatant theft, corruption
While the mainstream media is focused on alleged Russian meddling, Democrats are stealing elections!
Need proof? Just look at the shenanigans by Florida Democrats.
Days after former Goveror Rick Scott was declared the winner in the state’s Senate race and Ron DeSantis had beat left-wing Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum in the Florida governor’s race, Democrat officials in Broward and Palm Beach County are still secretly adding votes for Democrat candidates.
Andrew Gillum, a far-left Democrat backed by George Soros, conceded on election night after projections showed him losing to former Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis.
But Broward’s vote counting since Tuesday has significantly narrowed Republican leads. In the governor’s race, Republican Ron DeSantis leads Democrat Andrew Gillum by about 36,000 votes. In the Senate race, Republican Rick Scott holds about a 15,000-vote margin over Democrat Bill Nelson.
As the Democrat machine moved to steal the election, Andrew Gillum officially withdrew his concession. “I am replacing my earlier concession with an unapologetic and uncompromised call to count every vote,” he announced.
The Florida secretary of state has ordered recounts in the Florida U.S. Senate and governor races reminiscent of the 2000 Bush-Gore recount.
When margins are close, it’s not hard for Democrats to steal elections. And they always seem to find corrupt blacks to carry out their schemes.
Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, a corrupt black female Democrat with a history of election misdeeds, is once again at the center of election fraud controversy.
As votes were still being calculated days after the election, Rick Scott’s Senate campaign filed two lawsuits alleging that Brenda Snipes and Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher (a couple of old liberal hags) were breaking Florida election law.
“Every day since the election, the left-wing activists in Broward County have been coming up with more and more ballots out of nowhere,” Scott said at a news conference. “We all know what is going on. Every person in Florida knows exactly what is happening. Their goal is to keep mysteriously finding more votes until the elections turn out the way they want.”
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio also criticized Snipes in a series of tweets Thursday, saying she has “a history of incompetence and of blatant violations of state and federal laws.” “Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn’t just annoying incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here and try to steal a seat in the U.S. Senate and Florida Cabinet,” Rubio tweeted.
Rubio also questioned how Bay County, which was hit by Hurricane Michael last month, was able to submit timely results when Broward hasn’t.
Broward County has a history of being last to have final election results. On election night, seven Broward precincts suddenly had problems with modems and couldn’t submit polling results electronically. Instead, the precincts had to drive the electronic results to the voting equipment center for tabulation.
In May, a judge ruled that Snipes improperly destroyed ballots too early after the 2016 congressional primaries.
Brenda Snipes is corrupt and should be locked up! Governor Rick Scott should have fired her years ago. The only reason she’s still supervising elections is because Republicans are afraid to take strong action against a liberal black female. Now it’s coming back to bite them.
Democrats are so desperate to steal elections they even want the votes of illegal aliens and non-U.S. citizens to be counted. As reported by Fox News, lawyers representing Andrew Gillum and Sen. Bill Nelson issued objections to the rejection of a provisional ballot cast by a non-U.S. citizen.
Republicans have already proved that election supervisors in Democrat-controlled counties of Broward and Palm Beach are committing voter fraud.
And despite a court order, Snipes and Bucher are refusing to provide details of where they gathered votes that had been added to the final tallies. Snipes also blocked access for candidates who say they should know how many ballots have not been counted and how her office is counting them.
Meanwhile, the Miami Herald reported that Snipes had “accidentally” mixed bad provisional ballots with good ones, making it nearly impossible to determine which of those votes should be counted. These Democrats are also trying to ban media from covering the public ballot counting and threatening to have reporters arrested.
There have been ballot boxes found unattended. There is video circulating of people pulling up to what appears to be a rented semi-trailer truck with lines of cars pulling up to unload ballot boxes.
On Saturday, President Trump said Democrats were “trying to STEAL two big elections in Florida!”
Another black leftist – Democrat Stacey Abrams, who lost her race against Republican Brian Kemp in Georgia governor’s race – is also “resisting” and she too is refusing to accept the results … even though her own campaign officials admitted she still needs 25,000 votes to force a runoff.
It seems wherever corruption and fraud is uncovered, blacks are involved. Democrats have used blacks for some 60 years to hang on to power and to cheat and steal elections. It’s time for blacks to stop being vessels for evil and take a stand for good.