JD Heyes
Are California Democrats getting so worried about losing their grip on one-party rule in the Golden State they are willing to act like tyrants and usurp the Constitution in order to keep POTUS Donald Trump off the 2020 ballot?
It sure seems that way based on a new law the Democrat super-majority passed this week.
On Tuesday, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that requires POTUS Trump to reveal his tax returns — which are his private property, mind you — before his name can appear on the 2020 presidential ballot.
The bill, called SB 27, “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act,” requires any gubernatorial or presidential candidates running in California to file copies of their previous five years’ worth of tax returns with the secretary of state’s office or be stricken from the ballot, The Hill reported.
Because California is the largest economic driver in the country, Newsom argued, his state has some sort of “responsibility” to require this additional information of gubernatorial and presidential contenders — even though the Constitution’s presidential requirements for office contain nothing about divulging financial information (and it would have, if the framers wanted it to be in there).
“As one of the largest economies in the world and home to one in nine Americans eligible to vote, California has a special responsibility to require this information of presidential and gubernatorial candidates,” said Newsom.
“These are extraordinary times and states have a legal and moral duty to do everything in their power to ensure leaders seeking the highest offices meet minimal standards, and to restore public confidence. The disclosure required by this bill will shed light on conflicts of interest, self-dealing, or influence from domestic and foreign business interest,” he continued. (Related: Epic fail: Rachel Maddow mocked after dragging out Trump tax ‘scoop’.)
What, pray tell, makes these times we are currently living in “extraordinary” — because a Republican like Donald Trump holds the office of the presidency, and he just happens to be someone who refuses to take guff from Democrats, like other GOP presidents have done?
This proves — again — that Democrats are simply tyrants, period
Or is it extraordinary for the tyrannical tendencies increasingly displayed by Democratic politicians, who are doing their best interpretations of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and the Castro brothers — all of whom have also banned political opposition?
And how Left-wing is Gavin Newsom? Pretty far Left; the Trump campaign, which called the new law “unconstitutional,” noted that even former Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown wouldn’t sign it.
“There are very good reasons why the very liberal Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed this bill two years ago — it’s unconstitutional and it opens up the possibility for states to load up more requirements on candidates in future elections. What’s next, five years of health records?” said Trump 2020 campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh.
He noted that states cannot add presidential requirements and qualifications because the Constitution takes care of that.
“The Constitution is clear on the qualifications for someone to serve as president and states cannot add additional requirements on their own,” he said. “The bill also violates the 1st Amendment right of association since California can’t tell political parties which candidates their members can or cannot vote for in a primary election.”
As for the new law, Democrats made sure to add an “urgency clause” — very unusual — so that it takes effect ahead of the 2020 elections. That means, sans a legal challenge, anyone wanting to vote for POTUS Trump will have to write in his name.
As Zero Hedge notes, the issue of the president’s tax returns — which have been obsessively pursued by Democrats since POTUS refused to release them during his 2016 campaign and since (because he doesn’t have to) — continues to simmer in the background.
The Trump administration has already filed suit against the state of New York, which also recently passed a law ‘authorizing’ the state to demand the president’s tax returns. And the Democrat-controlled House has also filed suit because the Treasury Department has refused to hand over the president’s returns.
Tyranny is alive and well in America today, but not in the Republican Party and not in the Trump White House. Read more at Rigged.news.
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