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Internal Fox News Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Viewership Collapse

The National Pulse

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Following Fox News prematurely calling the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden, the network’s ratings have plummeted to never before seen levels below CNN and MSNBC.



Last Friday’s ratings for the supposedly “conservative” outlet were less than both CNN and MSNBC for the first time in years, according to an internal Fox document containing viewership analytics.
The numbers show that on November 6th, Fox pulled 2,266,000 viewers while CNN saw nearly twice as many at 4,009,000 viewers. Similarly, MSNBC, per Fox’s internal numbers, counted 2,983,000 viewers, beating Fox by over 700,000 viewers.
Internal data reveals this slump:
Fox November 6th Ratings
The numbers below correspond to CNN’s viewership, dwarfing Fox’s nearly 2,300,000 viewers by almost 2,000,000:
CNN November 6th Ratings