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Judge Hands President Trump A Swing State Victory – Donald Granted A Chance In Court To Overturn Results In Nevada

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What’s Happening:

President Trump is still fighting hard in key battleground states, but many Republicans are starting to lose hope that the current result can be overturned. This major news update could change many of their minds, though.

Trump continues to fight for election integrity in a handful of states that could mean the difference between a win and a loss.

In Nevada, the Trump legal team just scored a significant court win that could actually change the outcome in the blue state. From MSN:

In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden’s win and set an example for other state challenges.

Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted out the major update:

BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned.

That doesn’t sound like a team ready to throw the towel in yet. Many people on the ground are signing affidavits swearing they saw some major problems on the ground.

And finally one of these blue states is pausing their rush to certify the election and move on, instead being willing to listen to the evidence.

And the claims Republicans are bringing forward seem to be enough to turn a loss in Nevada into a major victory.

Democrats and the media are scoffing at Trump supporters right now for holding onto hope that Trump still has a chance. They think he should have bowed out gracefully, but is instead clawing for a chance to “overturn the will of the people.”

Sounds more like they want to move on quickly before the Trump team even gets a chance to lay out their allegations in court. But this victory, along with a major win in Pennsylvania with their pause in certification, are the first steps in the right direction we’ve seen for the President.

Do you think Trump will prevail? Will he stun the media and pull off a victory against Biden?

Key Takeaways:

  • Nevada judge is allowing state Republicans to present their findings of possible fraud.
  • The number of ballots that may have been affected could change the current outcome of the Nevada race.