This Says It All
From Virginia Brooks
Virginia Brooks, and join the NFC at: A group formed to get Americans to stand as one to elect one patriot for every elected office. Together we can make it happen.
Don't just read the title, read down the article and be informed about
the North American Union, The NAFTA super highway and S.P.P. (Security &
Prosperity Partnership and much more about our leaders in the "free"
From: Second Amendment Committee
To: Second Amendment Committee
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 12:36 AM
Subject: Fw: This Says It All!
Am sending you Ron Paul's speech on YouTube. Way back in 1788, long before the feds began taxing us directly, Patrick Henry told us that the federal system was getting too much money and too much power. To tax us directly (16th Amendment) is against the principle of the Check and Balance system.
I do pay income taxes to the federal govt. because they have us over a barrel now, but by allowing the federal government to do this, and have the power that goes with all that money, is what is ruining our system of government. It has altered the intent of the founding fathers who intended to keep the federal government from consolidating all power to itself.
All power is now consolidated under the federal government, that is exactly what the federal government has done, and they are getting ready to dispose of the states through the regional government system which they have erected. Their desired militarized world empire is almost built, created for the purpose of being run by those who have the greatest amount of wealth.
So here we are, going back again under "kings -- with unlimited power". When Bush's handlers decide it is time to institute martial law (supported by the militarized apparatus he has already built under the Homeland Security Agency) they will have soldiers coming in here from foreign lands, going door-to-door in this country to collect our guns. It is on their agenda! Remember, the world troop map for those foreign soldiers who will police us came off their drawing boards.
Patrick Henry once asked the people: "When did liberty ever exist when the purse and the sword were given up from the people?" He answered his own question: "Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it, (liberty) but downright force, and whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined!"
They took control over the purse in 1913. The sword is now on their agenda! When guns go, it all goes! That danger is very near. Now is the time to send Ron Paul a donation, no matter how small, because it shows him that he has a vote waiting for him at the polls. He needs our encouragement. We need his help! No other presidential candidate is worth your vote. Bernadine Smith
----- Original Message -----
From: Trinity Farms
To: Recipient list suppressed:
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 5:37 PM
Subject: This Says It All!
St John 8:32