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Great news on election fraud!

Mat Staver

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We are at a critical crossroads to fight election fraud!

Yesterday, Michigan held a hearing with first-hand testimony demonstrating shocking election fraud within their state and across the nation. Pennsylvania and Arizona have recently hosted hearings as well.

These legislators are at a historic moment of decision. Will they act on the information they have been handed by experts and eyewitnesses willing to stand up against fraud? Or will these legislators succumb to media pressure?

Right now, you can help tip the scales for justice. Send your fax to these swing state legislators and demand that they act now to support legislation based on the deeply compelling hours of testimony they just heard. - Mat

In shocking testimony, one woman stated before the Michigan legislature that she personally witnessed that votes were fed in as Trump votes but the machine registered the votes for Biden.

Another woman, Melissa Carone, was contracted as a freelance IT worker to service the Dominion voting machines during the election and the following day.

She testified that Dominion Vice President Nick Ikonomakis was there in her building working on something during the election. She personally saw stacks of ballots being run through the machines repeatedly — as many as 8-10 times in Detroit.

In the 27 hours that Carone served, she testified that she did not see a single ballot marked for Trump. Several other witnesses came up and corroborated that ballots could be easily fed repeatedly through the ballot counting processing system and that they also saw this duplicate counting of ballots.

They described the ballot counting machines as similar to a printer where stacks of processed ballots were sitting out in the open. Another witness also said that there were almost no votes for Trump in what they were seeing processed.

In addition, in a signed affidavit, Andrew Sitto discusses the estimated 40,000 ballots he saw delivered. "At approximately 4:00 a.m. on November 4, 2020, tens of thousands of ballots were suddenly brought into the counting room through the back vehicles with out-of-state license plates ... It was observed that all of these new ballots were cast for Joe Biden."

We do not yet know if these were the same ballots that were being counted multiple times or not, but if about 1/3 of them were processed multiple times as Carone witnessed, that would be the difference in the margin of votes between Biden and Trump in Michigan!

Make your voice heard right now by swing state legislators to push for a full and complete forensic investigation into these horrific allegations of fraud in their states.

The good news is that Pennsylvania just introduced a strong resolution in their legislature to block certification in their state because of the shocking testimony heard about election fraud. Every PA legislator needs to hear from you, right now. There is a clear constitutional process and that is exactly what the state is working toward, but they need your support.

Liberty Counsel Action staff has been working closely with the efforts in Pennsylvania. Already some Arizona legislators are calling for similar action to block the election certification.

Lend your voice of support to these witnesses and legislators who are fighting against fraud and for the integrity of future elections. Make no mistake. These legislators are under incredible pressure and they need encouragement that this battle is worth fighting for this election and the future of our nation.

Send a fax right now to swing state legislators. We must have a full and complete forensic investigation into these horrific allegations of fraud in these states.

Through our office in Washington, DC and our other state offices, we are tirelessly working to make sure our elections are fair and transparent. The future of our freedom depends on it.

There is nothing more serious to a free society than fair elections. Your vote must count. If elections can be manipulated in America, then we are no better than Venezuela or some other corrupt regimes across the world.

Join our Year-End Challenge Grant to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gift. Every gift between now and the end of the year will be effectively doubled. Donate today to support our efforts to bring justice and honesty to the voting process.

Pray right now for America. Then forward this email to your friends and ask them to join us to ensure an accurate and honest election.


Mat Staver
