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Bush And Armageddon

G. Asgar Mitha

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I was given my first lesson in the pitfalls of ignorance half a century ago by none other than my primary mentor, my father. Raised up in the port city of Karachi, we were passing by a Bible store adjacent to a church when I commented that that bible store should be demolished. No sooner had this derogatory comment been uttered by me, I saw anger in the face of a normally cool man. Turning himself around and with me on my father’s heels, I was led into the bible store. A kindly, smiling priest came behind the counter and asked if he could assist us. My father, in no less uncertain words, asked if the priest could provide his ignorant son—me-- a copy of the bible.

From then on it was expected of me to read and study the bible. After some years, my father asked me if I still held the opinion that the bible store should be demolished. Maybe even burnt down? With a head hung low I replied in the negative and when asked what had led to the change of heart, I confessed that it was in ignorance I had made that disparaging comment.

What has most held my fascination were the Books of Genesis and Revelation. Those were all about the beginning and the end. There is not much about the beginning that we can control. Armageddon, the two hundred thousand thousand (that’s two hundred million!) horsemen, the Euphrates, the sixth angel, Kings of the East---none of that made sense then as I read the bible several times, particularly these prophecies, because I was politically, economically and militarily immature but thanks to wisdom over time, the Quran and the visible policies of the rightist American presidents from Reagan to Emperors Bush I and II, everything about the prophecies has become clear in light of current affairs.

Euphrates which flows through modern Iraq was invaded at the orders of none other than emperor Bush II but it was his father, Bush I, who had prepared the groundwork. Bush II now says that if Iran does not abandon its nuclear enrichment program and the ability to acquire nuclear weapons, the consequences would be WW3. His establishment wants full control over all Middle East resources with the objective of complete subjugation of Muslims and a strangulation of China’s economy and growing military prowess. Muslims are in control of 80% of the world’s energy resources and it’s the resources the US wants to control.

The Bush establishment, principally the neo-con Zionists, well understand that Arabs have been weakened by exploiting their tribal structures and the internal but obvious bickering that so characterize them. And, Muslims in general, but more specifically the leadership, are highly corrupt and easily divisible and exploitable in large part due to the animosity of Sunni Muslims towards the Shia Muslims. This chasm is mainly due to the extremist Wahhabi intolerance. Wahhabism is not about faith, but about power. However Iran, in the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq war and removal of Saddam has emerged as a regional power counter-balancing Israel’s influence as a power broker in the Middle East.

Iran has a strategic advantage not only because of its resources and geo-political location but of major concern for the US has been Iran’s political moderating and bridging influence with its neighbours in the Middle East that could well result in Muslim unification and a shift in military alliance from the US to that with China and Russia. The “Kings of the East” features prominently in the Biblical prophecy. Muslims and China make up 40% of the world’s population and between them could easily raise an army of the predicted two hundred thousand thousand (two hundred million). Certainly the EU-US alliance under the NATO umbrella would be unable to match the eastern forces and would be no match in any military term. Even if Russia is excluded, China and Pakistan possess the nuclear deterrence to neutralize the possibility of nuclear strike by any western country. Neither would use their nuclear arsenal for to indulge in that folly would mean an unprecedented devastation of the planet. No leader, not even the US president, would risk a nuclear strike.

The US administration at the behest of strong neo-con and rightist Christian bloc seem hung up on these biblical prophecies and are quite determined to reverse them. From Reagan down to the present president were, and are, all extremist Christians and their administrations infiltrated by equally or more fiery revivalist preachers such as Billy Graham. One has to read the book “The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House” by the two Time magazine correspondents Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy to understand the influence Billy Graham had on several US Presidents. In fact, revivalist preachers have infiltrated American Presidents in a similar manner as Rasputin had on the Czar family. The US presidents, Zionist neo-cons and revivalists are committed to protecting Israel from fulfillment of the biblical prophecies.

An interesting point was scored in an article titled “Attacking Iran for Israel?” by Ray McGovern in Counter Currents. In this article Mr. McGovern writes that “If there’s a starting point for George W. Bush’s attachment to Israel, it’s the day in late 1998, when he stood on a hilltop where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and, with eyes brimming with tears, read aloud from his favourite hymn, ‘Amazing Grace.’ He was very emotional. It was a tear-filled experience. He brought Israel back home with him in his heart. I think he came away profoundly moved.”

There would be no doubt that G.W. Bush is highly religiously influenced as have his predecessor Presidents by evangelists and Zionist neo-cons who have led them to believe that it is America’s inherent obligation to protect Israel from an attack by Muslims and Chinese. They believe that Armageddon is imminent as predicted in the Bible. And one of the most intransigent Zionist neo-con in G.W. Bush’s administration is none other than Dick Cheney. He is obsessed with protecting Israel and attacking Iran to finally drive the last nail in the Muslim occupation. Certainly Muslim conquests have been very easy but Iran? And thus far China and Russia have been using their influence to prevent an attack by the US on Iran. But will the US stop with Iran? Or is China really the next super power that the US has in its sights? And the only way China can be economically strangulated is if the US stops its oil supplies.

Armageddon will not be about the complete annihilation of mankind. No nation that has nuclear capability will dare use it for fear of starting a nuclear war but Armageddon (WW3) will certainly result in an unprecedented destruction of our society and a great technological and civilisation setback. It is predicted in Revelations that missiles--like beasts that have power in their mouths and fires in their tails---will destroy a third part of man. There is much to support Armageddon in many religions including Hebrew and Muslim. The US is not only trying to protect Israel by reversing Biblical predictions but in trying to reverse them, it is moving forward in hastening it.

Is it really worth it to protect Israel and risk WW 3 and cause destruction on such massive scales? The Muslims ardently want to live in peace with Israel. Their efforts are being wasted in large part by the one sidedness of the US. At some point Muslims will realise the fruitlessness of their efforts and will turn around the tables. Most certainly if the Kings of the East will raise an army of 200 million, then it is obvious that the US will not risk a major confrontation. Let Bush talk about a WW3 in his ignorance but his father and Dick Cheney should mentor him and prevent an apocalyptic catastrophe as did my father in preventing the demolition of a church by his ignorant son.

1)Weblink to Mr. Ray McGovern’s article in Counter Currents

2)Weblink to review of The Preacher and the Presidents by Gibbs and Duffy:
