Bush Booed - The Media Tries To Make It Go Away (video)
The biggest criminal ever to occupy the White House is greeted at a sports stadium with loud, sustained boos.
And what does the newscaster comment on?
The President's good pitch.
And then he reminds us of September 11.
That in a nutshell summarizes the last eight years of America's rapid nose dive into the mire.
This was jerked off n now it's back-bush is BOO'd off the mound
Brasscheck TV <news@brasschecktv.
Thanks to everyone who wrote.
Yes, I forgot to give you the address
for this one.
Odds are it will warm you heart to see that there are thousands of Americans who have not totally lost touch with reality.
They know what Bush is and what he and his sleazy friends have done to America.
Here it is:
A short news clip of Bush at a sports stadium that shows...what Americans really think about him and...how the news media covers for him endlessly.
The "booing incident" in Washington.
Fuck the residunce, treason, perjury, rendition, WMD, torture, 911, illegal spying on American Citizens, nafta, cafta, NAU, SSP, HomeLund Insecurity, UNpatriot act, 935 documented LIES, Allowing all thos BLN's going to the terrorist state of isreal, illegal executive orders, unConstnl "signing statements n this MF'r wasn't even elected by the Will of We the People
I learned a lot a little too late-Donut learn as I did, take care & beware-FTG The sun shineth upon the dunghill, & isnt corrupted. We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them. Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis