Plato's Republic and the Bush Dictatorship
Immorality in its "most perfect form" is manifested in a dictator, like the unelected U.S. president George W. Bush. How such an immoral dictator is able to "comprehensively" plunder a nation is discussed in Plato's Republic by the sophist Thrasymachus.
The comprehensive plundering of a nation is what the 27-year-old Bush-Clinton regime has done to the American republic since January 1981, when George H.W. Bush first entered the White House as Vice President to Ronald Reagan. These are the tyrants who have given the American people numerous wars of aggression in far-off places but won't spend a dime to build a railroad for the people.
The Zionist "war on terror" with its disastrous and extremely costly wars in the Middle East and the immensely destructive trade policies (e.g. NAFTA) of the Bush-Clinton criminal regime have severely damaged the U.S. economy.
Today more than 4 out of 5 Americans realize that the nation is in serious trouble. More than two out of three Americans think the economy is already in recession.
Source: "81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on the Wrong Track"
New York Times, April 4, 2008
Thrasymachus described the immoral dictator, a description that fits George W. Bush like a glove:
This is the person you should consider, if you want to assess the extent to which immorality rather than morality is personally advantageous - and this is something you'll appreciate most easily if you look at immorality in its most perfect form and see how it enhances a wrongdoer's life beyond measure, but ruins the lives of his victims, who haven't the stomach for crime, to the same degree.
It's dictatorship I mean, because whether it takes stealth or overt violence, a dictator steals what doesn't belong to him - consecrated and unconsecrated objects, private possessions, and public property - and does so not on a small scale, but comprehensively. Anyone who is caught committing the merest fraction of these crimes is not only punished, but thoroughly stigmatized as well: small-scale criminals who commit these kinds of crimes are called temple-robbers, kidnappers, burglars, thieves, and robbers.
On the other hand, when someone appropriates the assets of the citizen body and then goes on to rob them of their very freedom and enslave them, then denigration gives way to congratulation, and it isn't only his fellow citizens who call him happy, but anyone else who hears about his consummate wrongdoing does so as well.
Source: Republic by Plato
Translation by Robin Wakefield, 1993
Oxford World's Classics