Bush Cousin to Rock Legend Bo Diddley?
Don Hynes
Vantage Point, dedicated to uncommon research and reporting, tackles any story no matter how difficult or controversial in order to bring the greater truth to you the people. Our reporting has challenged, eviscerated, gone where no blog has gone before, but we recently obtained a secret document that will rattle the halls of Congress, upset golf carts at Kennebunk and potentially overturn the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Rhythm and blues giant Bo Diddley died recently from stroke induced heart failure near his Gainesville FL home. What isn’t known is that a secret post mortem was performed in Archer FL by ex Gov. Jeb Bush’s personal physician with the shocking revelation through DNA testing and dental records proving Diddley’s parentage to be half white, his blood father one Alyre Squat. The reason for this secret inquiry - to put to rest the festering scandal, well known in European elite circles, that George W. Bush is related to both Diddley and Squat.
Diddley was raised in McComb MS by his mother’s cousin Gussie McDaniel. Previously unknown to the public was that Diddley had been born at Cedar Grove the Walker family plantation in Faunsdale AL. The white overseer of the plantation was Alyre Squat III. A common invective in the “quarters” of Cedar Grove was allegation of fathering by various generations of the Squats who drunkenly prowled the sharecropper homes in predatory hunts for women. This ignominy had been foisted upon Diddley’s black mother who gave the baby up for adoption to her cousin Gussie in Mississippi.
The long buried scandal which brought on the post mortem was that in previous generations Squats I & II were reputed to have found their way to the “master’s house” and fathered several of the Walker children. Squat III had informed an elder Walker of this possibility in one of his drunken rages and had been banished from the plantation. The Walkers, aware of this odious potential, hid their shame for many years, but the repeated childhood taunts of young George Walker Bush as “knowing Squat” led to a secretive meeting shortly before Squat III’s festering cancerous death, a knowledge that Bush denied but that demonstrations throughout Europe implied with many placards proclaiming “Bush knows Squat” in an array of foreign languages, and even more embarrassingly for the proud presidential family, billboards appearing throughout Bush’s recent “legacy” tour proclaiming “Bush Knows Diddley!”
The secret meaning of these allegations escaped the American media and populace who remain enamored with a president who has presided over an apocalyptic presidency of biblically destructive proportions. Occult scientist HuNoesWat attributes the Bush demise to his family’s history of slave holdings on the shores of the upper Chesapeake and in engaging slave labor in Europe prior to and during WWII. Wat traces the reasons for the denouement of Bush’s presidency to an inscrutable path along the Mississippi River with its slave history centering in the port of New Orleans and the racial tragedy that followed Hurricane Katrina to the heartland of the American farm economy collapsed under epochal flood waters along the great alluvial plain from northern Illinois to south Missouri.
During a press conference following Bush’s recent tour of mid-West flooding the president was asked about his plan concerning the historically unprecedented destruction and commented “I brought a lot of federal officials with me because it's real important that the rebuilding phase begins.” Federal officials? Local reception of Bush’s reassurances were voiced by Lashawn Baker “whose family was just starting to clean her flooded home in a southwest Cedar Rapids neighborhood. ‘It took him a long time to get to New Orleans and he didn't help any of those people, so I don't think he's going to do anything to help Cedar Rapids now that he's here.’"
When queried about pre-flood preparations, the state of the river levee system, the deteriorating infrastructure of the United States, global warming and a number of important related issues Bush seemed to fall back on the issue that is tormenting him and denied knowing Squat, as well as Diddley, despite his obvious rhythmic roots displayed during his 2007 tour of West Africa.
As Vantage Point goes to press whether Bush is indeed distant cousin to the deceased rock legend will only be proven if the results of his DNA tests are released from the Cheney vaults buried far below the granite fastness of a top secret Wyoming mountain. Although the Bush Diddley Squat familial connections may remain forever in doubt what appears certain is that Bush never personally knew Diddley and that according to all the recorded history soon to be enshrined in the Bush Presidential Library, Bush has never known Squat.
Unfortunately in these matters of great national importance there are those in the political milieu who seize the opportunity to aggrandize themselves at the expense of the public. John McCain who has never known Squat thrust himself further into the category with his expressed interest in a reward for automotive battery invention as a cure for the energy crisis facing the civilized world. Not to be left out of the limelight, Barrack Obama professed a new found understanding of Diddley in his recent nuanced stance on FISA and telecom immunity and the removal of gun controls from Washington DC although violent crime has been declining since 1990 when the city was known as the murder capital of the United States. Hope remains for Senator Obama although the temptation to horn in on and even mimic Bush’s knowledge of Diddley Squat is sorely tempting to any preeminent American politician.
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Don Hynes