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Heneghan: Fitzgerald's Sealed Indictments to be Unsealed

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Remember the Tom Flocco report of 3 years ago saying the grand jury working for Patrick Fitzgerald had produced sealed indictments against Bush and Cheney? You can refresh your memory here:

Bush and Cheney Indicted

Chicago -- August 2, 2005 -- -- U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald\'s Chicago grand jury has voted perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis \"Scooter\" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.

There were no indications given as to whether the President and his top staff members would appear publicly before cameras at the grand jury proceedings, given the gravity of the charges.

Besides the Valerie Plame CIA leak case, the Fitzgerald probe is reportedly far-reaching and expanding much deeper into past White House criminal acts involving Bush-Clinton drug money laundering in Mena, Arkansas to White House involvement in 9.11; but also for sending America\'s young people to their deaths or to be maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.

A related story at Flocco\'s site is here:

Bush-Cheney CIA/Plame case indictments released this morning

Bush orders Fitzgerald fired and espionage indictments quashed

Now Tom Heneghan, on his blog, is saying the indictments will be UNSEALED in a matter of days.

Heneghan also reiterates items of interest reported on by Christopher Story in his latest reports . It would be nice to know if Heneghan is just reporting Story\'s info or if has gotten info from separate sources. Although I don\'t care for Heneghan\'s trashy tabloid style one picks up bits and pieces where one can. If Heneghan\'s current blog entry is true then perhaps rumors that Bush would not complete his term of office might be true too.

Here are some excerpts from Heneghan. The full report is here at his blog:


Further Details Due At Any Moment

Story developing...

by Tom Heneghan

It can now be reported that the SEALED indictments against current Vice President Dick Cheney, former White House political advisor and chief of staff Karl Rove and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, that were issued by an Illinois Grand Jury impaneled by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald over two years ago, will be UN-SEALED within days.

Current White House occupunk and UN-elected resident George W. Bushfraud will be named as an un-indicted co-conspirator.

The indictments deal with perjury and obstruction of justice in the noted leak case involving former CIA asset Valerie Plame.

The indictments were ordered UN-sealed by the Virginia National Security Court, which has been investigating the current Bush and previous Clinton Administrations, not only in regards to the Valerie Plame case, but the Bush-Clinton \"TRUE COLORS\" assassination teams tied to both Plame and Scooter Libby.

Other issues still under inquiry include the:

-criminal conspiracy to take America to war in Iraq based on a lie,

- the 9/11 slaughter of 3,000 Americans in New York City,

- and the criminal conspiracy to steal the year 2000 Presidential election from then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. involving both Bush and Clinton operatives

Note: The Virginia National Security Court has also been working directly with G-7 nations of the European Union in demanding full implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which involves BILLIONS of dollars due both the U.S. and French Treasuries.


Daddy Bush\'s little bitch, AIDS positive SERIAL RAPIST Bill Clinton is currently under house arrest by British MI5 in the United Kingdom.

The ego-maniac sociopath Clinton has been caught and photographed by British authorities in trying to remove BILLIONS of dollars from SECRET proprietary accounts in the U.K. on behalf of his TREASONOUS business partner and Bushfraud\'s Iraq War co-conspirator, former British Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile Tony Blair.

The accounts are loaded with STOLEN funds tied to the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.


Bush, who recently signed an Executive Order compelling the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols to be paid out, then flew to the United Kingdom and enabled Teleki and Clinton to violate the terms of this very same Executive Order.

Apparently British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is actually nothing more than a bagman, along with fellow co-conspirator, current German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose Deutsche Bank is within days of collapse.

P.S. At this hour both French INTERPOL and the U.S. Marshal Service have issued European RED NOTICES and WARRANTS for the arrest of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton and current U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney.

Stay tuned...

P.P.S. The current British Monarch, no saint herself, is actually trying to do the right thing in having the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols implemented, however she has received at least five (5) death threats from forces tied to ex-British Prime Minister Blair and elements of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, who are under command and control at this hour by indicted U.S. Vice pRresident Dick Cheney.

British Queen Elizabeth is acutely aware that the entire British and World banking system is now on the verge of collapse given this international crime spree, which continues at this time.

As of this moment, up to 20,000 SECRET Swiss bank accounts tied to American government officials and political types, have been frozen in Switzerland based on a joint sting between Swiss UBS Warburg and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Plus British MI6 is continuing an investigation of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, former President William Jefferson Clinton and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright, i.e. SECRET banking accounts and transactions in none other than North Korea.

Item: Cheney, a sociopath himself, whose ancestry has tie-ins to NAZI Germany, and at one time STOLE the Queen of England\'s gold for the purpose of a rogue trading account, now closed, is the head East German DVD agent in charge of this current international, worldwide, out of control financial criminal conspiracy.

Folks, the problem, of course, is that none of these gangsters really have any idea of what to do beyond their 24 hour, day by day struggle to survive the absolute unbelievable mess they have created.

It is important that all of us pray tonight to God Almighty for Divine intervention before this gangster filth starts WWIII in Iran.

Readers who have been following all this will see much of Christopher Story\'s information in the above report, in addition to the new tipoff about the indictments. At the time of the original Flocco story we all had our hopes up, only to learn that the indictments were sealed. I don\'t think we knew then that the indictments were put at the U.N. for "safekeeping."