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"The House has just passed a President Bush's bill to redefine the treatment of detainees, and the Senate is expected to do the same thing today. Buried deep in side this legislation is a provision which will pardon President Bush and all the members of his Administration of any possible crimes connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees going all the way back to September 11, 2001.

"At least President Nixon had Gerald Ford to do the dirty work for him, but President Bush is trying to pardon himself. Here's the deal: Under the War Crimes Act, violations of the Geneva Convention are felonies, in some cases punishable by death. When the Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Convention did apply to al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees, President Bush and his boys were suddenly in big trouble. Since 9/11, they have been working these boys over pretty good.

"In an effort to avoid possible prosecution, Bush and his supporters are trying to cram this bill through Congress ... Do you want to know the REAL disgrace, what these people are about to do? (Republican leaders) apparently do not see anything wrong with this. I really do wonder what we are becoming in this country. The question is this: 'Should Congress pass a bill giving retroactive immunity to President Bush for possible war crimes?' "

The very fact that President Bush and his Congressional supporters would even want to pass this type of legislation means that he considers himself to be guilty, and therefore, liable for persecution. Skull & Bones Bush is really admitting his guilt to the entire world through this legislation!

Cutting Edge has been warning from the moment Bush stepped into the Oval Office that he was not genuinely Born Again. His refusal to disavow the Satanic secret society, plus his actions while Texas Governor, added up to "Evil Fruits" which proved that he could not be truly saved. In the almost eight years since then, we have kept a list of the actions Bush has done which no true Christian would ever do. To read this list, and see our documentation, please click on "President Bush's Evil vs Good Fruits".

This legislation may protect Bush and his cronies from American persecution, but it will not protect him from the International Criminal Court. That is the venue we have always expected this President to be required to stand before, once he is no longer the President.

When Bush is thoroughly discredited, the backlash will be so severe that it will set up genuine Christians for persecution, just as the Sixth Seal of the Book of Revelation foretells!

NOTE: This legislation passed Congress and became law in January, 2008.