George Karavelis
“ It is blasphemy to call tyrants and oppressors, God’s ministers. When once magistrates(or legislators) act contrary to their office and the end of their institution; when they rob and ruin the public, instead of being guardians of its peace and welfare; they immediately cease to be the ordinance and ministers of God, and no more deserve that glorious character, than common pirates and highwaymen...”
How amazing that the following sermon delivered in 1750 by Jonathan Mayhew in
George Karavelis July 30, 2008
(727) 742-2555
I just wanted to take a moment and compliment Four Winds on your posting of the superb article, \"A Chamber Of Cowards & Traitors\", written by George Karavelis. I know that many of your readers, as well as readers from other sites I frequent, are sick to death of the lack of true representation which is, unfortunately, so commonplace out of DC today. It is truly appalling, and the whole lot of them need to hang from trees -- along with the corrupt, thieving, treasonous administration they serve.
It is a sad day when ALMOST ALL of our elected congressmen are sold out. Perhaps even more amazing is that a once-\"free\" press has also collectively gone along for the ride.
So many of us have for many years ignored or slept through the growing strength and influence of the Illuminati, and -- much to our chagrin -- they now own nearly everyone sitting in a position of power and/or influence. These conspiring, traitorous puppets refuse to be truthful with the people they allegedly serve -- and continue to faithfully do their part for the ultimate downfall of this nation and it\'s slumbering citizens.
One is left wondering how bad conditions have to get before people will actually revolt. The collective ignorance and apathy of the citizens of this nation certainly rivals WWII-era Germany; I personally believe we have them beat.
Other than writing and posting articles (such as yours) on the internet, I don\'t know what informed people can do to light a fire under the tails of the willfully ignorant. Clearly, some type of action has long been warranted. With no collective representation from government -- and a pitiful citizenry willing to accept such -- what else is one to do?
I have tried informing some fairly intelligent local pastors about the true circumstances we are facing (I live in North Central Florida). Most of them don\'t want to be bothered, or shaken from their \"comfort zones\". They seem perfectly content in their denial that government would actually be plotting their downfall -- EVEN THOUGH IT IS CLEARLY FORETOLD IN THE BOOK THEY CLAIM TO LIVE BY. It is apparent that among Christian leadership today there is a collective slumber regarding any true \'discernment of the times\'.
I often wonder if many of the pastors seen on \"TBN\" are part of the conspiracy (and I am positive that some are) ... \'Are THEY bought out, too?\', I often wonder. Are local pastors throughout the US just worried about having their tax-exempt status revoked, or are they really that asleep to the gross, massive miscarriages of justice being perpetrated by our \'Christian leadership\' in the Executive branch of our government (and their subservient legislative branch, as well)?
I think one of the MAJOR problems with America today is the pathetic state of our Christian \"leadership\" in the church today. Certainly a large part of the responsibility for what we now face rests on their shoulders – for their collective inability to discern the times we live in, and even acknowledge the obvious evil that has a stronghold on the reigns of this country.
Traditionally, people have relied on the church for guidance. People tasked with those positions of authority in the church today can\'t identify a simple, obvious \"wolf in sheep\'s clothing\" ... they cannot even smell a turd sitting right under their nose. A tree is judged by the fruits it produces … are today\'s Christian leaders really that blind to our government\'s \"fruits\" -- or are they all just afraid to admit they were wrong in supporting Bush in the first place, or that they were naïve enough to be deceived in such fashion??
If any change is ever going to occur before this whole thing completely flushes down the toilet, it is going to have to start with the expression of GENUINE OUTRAGE from the American church. Sadly, I do not see that ever happening. Christian leaders today are all wrapped up in their individual agendas, or trying to advance their \"building projects\" -- in an economy, no less, which is on the verge of total collapse (one can only assume they\'re slumbering through this, also ...). Many continue to waste their time contemplating the distractions presented to them daily by such \"credible\" news sources as Fox News (the correct spelling is actually F-A-U-X).
As my attempts to inform such leadership in my region of the real truth are consistently rebuffed or ignored and not acted upon, I find myself often in a state of extreme frustration -- and even depression, at the apparent lack of hope for our nation and our pathetic leadership at almost every level. There has to be some real change that can be implemented at SOME level.
Clearly the American church has grossly failed it\'s followers at their most crucial hour ... and I guess they won\'t know it until they actually take residence in their newly-prepared Haliburton death camps.
Thanks again for your fine article, and the continuing work you do on behalf of Americans who care enough to try to stay informed.
Best regards,