Forgt Impeachment--Try Bush for Murder (video)
Forget impeachment -- Try Bush for murder
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Oliver Stone's movie about George Bush"W" hits the movie theaters today. I hear its a humorous and sympathetic portrayal of Bush. Fine. Whatever!! After it's over, I hope it focuses everyone's minds on one essential point:After he leaves the White House, Bush's next stop should be a prison cell.
This is NOT a pipe dream.The minute he leaves office, his executive immunity evaporates. The legal grounds have already been established for his indictment and arrest, AND there is someone in the State of Vermont ready, willing and legally able to do it.
There is nothing more important to the future of the US (and maybe even theworld) than for this man to be indicted, tried, convicted and jailed for murder.
Just think about the " chain-reaction" for a second! It would be the biggest-ever, cleansing
Miracle this World had ever experienced. Something which even any ( ---- removed by sumerian) has proved incapable of doing. And " Man" CAN do it for himself and is motivated to do so. Therefore " Let it be!"
"Graham Jukes" <grahamjukes@
P.S. I can't imagine anything more important for the country's future than for Bush & Co. to be brought up on criminal charges formurder. It's doable, it can be done, and it must be done.
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If we're going to undo eight years of a national nightmare...
yourself, and if you agree, support the effort. Bush belongs in jail and you can help put him there:
Vincent Bugliosi lays it out
Vincent Bugliosi lays it out
You can make this happen.
Charlotte Dennett is running for Attorney General of the State of Vermont.
If she wins, she will use her office to indict George Bush for the murder of the citizens of Vermont who were killed in his fraudulent war.
You can support her efforts here:
Forget impeachment.
Try Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and all the rest for murder.
Former LA Deputy District Attorney, who successfully prosecuted, dozens of murder cases, makes the case that George Bush is indictable for murder.
Any state or city that had a citizen killed in the course of the Iraq War is eligible for pressing charges and bringing these lying psychopaths to justice.
This is not a pipe dream. The law exists to indict Bush and his co-conspirators on murder charges the minute he is no longer president.
Nothing could possibly be more important for the future of this country than to bring these criminals to justice.