Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation
William B. Fox
IMMEDIATE – A Chicago Police Department official, who refused to be identified by name, stated that city law enforcement would avoid investigating allegations against embattled Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Mayor Richard M. Daley.
Former Army intelligence officer, newspaper editor Capt. Eric H. May, charged that the governor and mayor were co-conspirators in a May 2-4, 2006 attempt to sabotage Chicago's Sears Tower. The 110-story building had recently been bought by Larry Silverstein, who owned the twin towers that collapsed on 9/11.
Even with last week's revelations of widespread corruption and conspiracy by Illinois and Chicago officials, the former NBC editorial writer's allegations would seem outlandish – were they not backed up by a document trail connecting everyone from top government officials to media mainstays and even active-duty military intelligence. All of them coalesced into an informal alliance against the governor, the mayor and Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff, who was heading up exercises set to simulate the collapse of an unnamed downtown Chicago skyscraper. All of them believed that the chance of an attack against the Silverstein property was real.
The documents tell the tale.
On April 26, 2006, advised of a possible attack by inside sources, May put in calls to Illinois National Guard Public Affairs Officer Col. Tim Franklin and Chicago Police Public Information Officer Laura Kubiak. Both confirmed the existence of terror exercises rehearsing the demolition of Sears Tower. Alarmed, May issued RED ALERT: "CHICAGO 911" CONFIRMED, which was quickly posted worldwide. http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=135307
The next day, April 27, the Illinois governor's office issued a press release confirming the just-exposed exercises, revealing that the exercises, involving up to 2,000 participants, had been in the works – unannounced – for seven months. http://www.illinois.gov/PressReleases/ShowPressRelease.cfm?SubjectID=3&RecNum=4807
Shortly afterwards, May wrote Blagojevich directly. He copied contacts in the Defense and State Departments, stating his conviction that there was a treasonous plot afoot. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chicago911inquest/message/44
After two days of silence from the governor's office, May began to give interviews, expressing his doubts about Blagojevich and Daley. The Chicago mayor was curiously absent from the city at the time on a first-ever visit to Israel, in the company of Israeli intelligence.
"The Edge," hosted by radio journalist Daniel Ott, spread word about the suspicious exercises widely throughout the Midwest. http://theedgeam.com/interviews/Captain_May_04.29.06.mp3
It may seem inconceivable that Chicago police would still shy away from investigating or even discussing the possibility of an official conspiracy, but May isn't surprised.
"We should remember just how dangerous government can be. Every great American since the Founding Fathers has agreed on that point. No one should be surprised that 'Blago' and company are part of a conspiracy. It wasn't so long ago that Illinois officials conspired with Al Capone. The Chicago cops stood by and played dumb then, too."
Decorated Vietnam combat veteran Merlin Neadows, who was part of what has since come to be called the "Chicago Mayday Mission," is even harsher with Windy City law enforcement:
"They're a disgrace," the former infantryman said. "They know that we did their job while they hid back in 2006, and they're still hiding. If it hadn't been for us Internet infowarriors, Chicago would have had a terror attack for sure."
William B. Fox is publisher of America First Books, www.americafirstbooks.com, where he has archived Capt. May's articles and analysis.