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Saudi offers $10m for Iraqi reporter’s ‘farewell gift’ to President Bush

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Cheers for that Iraqi reporter, expressing his disgust for what the Bush-Cheney Junta has done to his country.

And 3 more cheers for Zaida showing Americans how to truly express yourself, teaching apathetic and ignorant Americans what "democracy" really means.

I truly admire Zaida's restraint in not tossing those shoes earlier, when Bush was spouting off numerous lies about how the US has "helped" Iraq.

Yes, we've "helped" Iraq. Helped turn Iraq into Gaza Strip East, where millions go without potable drinking water and never have enough food to eat on a daily basis.

Nor have reliable electricity, if they have it at all.

We've turned parts of Baghdad into a replica of the West Bank with the miles and miles of concrete wall barriers.

We're stealing Iraq's oil, just like Israel is stealing Gaza's Natural Gas.

Iraqi oil that most likely will wind up in an Israeli refinery, then shipped out of an Israeli port.

Yes, our masters in Tel Aviv must be proud, but a bit concerned about the undying will to exist shown by Iraqi's like Zaidi.

Unfortunately for the fearless and freedom loving Zaidi, he's probably undergoing "enhanced interrogation" at one of Cheney's CIA sponsored black hole prison sites in Iraq, where he'll be tortured until he recites the confession that the Inquisition Team has typed up for his signature.  ---RB

Saudi offers $10m for Iraqi reporter’s ‘farewell gift’ to President Bush

LAHORE: The shoes thrown by an Iraqi journalist at United States President George W Bush in Iraq on Sunday has gained ‘immortal fame’, a private TV channel reported on Monday. According to an Arab TV channel, a Saudi citizen has offered $10 million to buy the shoes thrown at the US president by TV reporter Muntazeral Zaidi who was detained after being accused of a ‘barbaric act’ by the Iraqi government.

Thousands of Iraqi citizens protested for Zaidi’s release, calling him a national hero. Earlier, the US president had said, “I don’t know what the guy’s cause is, I didn’t feel the least bit threatened by it.” daily times monitor
