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Undoing the Bush Disaster - What You Can Do Right Now

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67 categories of laws effected

In addition to being a disaster for the economy, the environment, the military and the nation's standing in the world, the Bush-Cheney administration was a disaster for the rule of law.

There is nothing more important for President Obama to do than to start reversing this damage immediately.

In fact, nothing could be a clearer indication of his sincerity in putting the US back on the right track.

The tool kit

The Meiklejohn Civil Rights Institute has done something about this by documenting all the laws that were routinely violated by the White House with Congressional consent during the Bush administration.

Get the book "Undoing the Bush/Cheney Legacy."

Inform yourself. Inform your friends and colleagues.

Demand that the White House and Congress immediately address the disastrous shredding the American law from the Constitution on down that took place during the Bush/Cheney administration.

Get this book today

You can order the book here (it's the second book on the list):

Order here: Undoing the Bush/Cheney Legacy: A Tool Kit for Congress and Activists