Seven Stories You'll Never See In Mainstream Media
2. Before Announcing Attack, Bush Revealingly Exclaimed: 'Feels Good'
David Cogswell writes, "Every once in a while we experience one of those little moments when a small tear breaks through the social fabric and allows us a glimpse of its underlying workings. A Knight Ridder reporter was treated to such a rare glimpse and apparently couldn't resist including it in his story... And no editor cut it out, so we are left with a gem, a glimpse into the strange personality of George W. The article was a description of Bush's speech announcing that he had ordered strikes to begin on Iraq. Here's the quote: 'Minutes before the speech, an internal television monitor showed Bush pumping his fist. 'Feels good,' he said.'... We are talking now about a guy who as a kid put firecrackers in frogs and threw them into the air to watch them explode. He cracked himself up in an interview with Talk magazine by mocking a woman on death row whose cries for mercy he scorned, screwing up his face and saying, 'Please don't kill me!' in an impersonation of the deceased."
3. Busheviks Crush All Dissent - Including Republicans
PentaPost reports, "GOP lawmakers and lobbyists say the tactics the Bush administration uses on friends and allies have been uniquely fierce and vindictive. Just as the administration used unbending tactics before the U.N. Security Council with normally allied countries such as Mexico, Germany and France, the Bush White House has calculated that it can overcome domestic adversaries if it tolerates no dissent from its friends... The forms of pressure: exclusions from White House guest lists, a loss of access to key Bush aides, calls to dissenters' superiors, veiled threats saying the White House has noted the transgression or even shouted accusations...
4. The Colonel Who Defied Bush and Paid the Price Refuses to Be Silent
"Lt. Col. Bill Burkett completed 28 years of decorated service and was medically retired from the US Army National Guard in 1998 after suffering meningoencephalitis on return from an assignment in Panama. From 1995 until his illness, Burkett served as State Plans Officer for the Texas Army National Guard and Governor Bush. After refusing to follow direct orders involving falsifying readiness reports, Burkett sought 'whistleblower' status for reports involving anti-Semitic activity; personnel fraud; readiness fraud and the alteration of the personal military file of Governor Bush. Lt. Col. Burkett is currently the plaintiff in his appeal to the US Supreme Court in the case of Burkett v. Goodwin, Taliaferro, Meador, et al, in regard to the retaliation against him following breaking the Bush records issue." Read his powerful critique of Bush's W-ar.
5. The Warmongers Who are Responsible for This W-ar
Will Pitt writes, "This war belongs to the cable news 'journalists' who have absolutely gone above and beyond the call of duty to sell this war to the American people... This war belongs to Richard Perle, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Dick Cheney and all the fellows from PNAC... [But] this war belongs first and foremost to George W. Bush. Mr. Bush ran a number of oil companies straight into the ground before becoming the constitutionally castrated governor of Texas... 160 nations want nothing to do with this attack, and eleven of the fifteen United Nations Security Council vote-counters told him to go pound sand, despite a month-long bribery campaign that would have made John Gotti blush with envy. The inevitable terrorist attacks upon our wholly unprepared shores are also, by the way, the sole property of Mr. Bush. The aftereffects of this attack on Iraq, which will effect your children's children, are also the sole property of Mr. Bush."
6. Canadians Boo American National Anthem
Not all Canadian anti-war sentiment is reserved for Jean Chretien. A sellout crowd of hockey fans at Montreal's Belle Center gave their opinion when asked to show their "support and respect for two great nations" prior to the game pitting the Montreal Canadiens against the New Jersey Islanders. Fans booed loudly during the entire length of the American national anthem which was the second night in a row the anthem was dissed. Let's hope King George wasn't watching. He might interpret their actions as threatening the security of the United States and order a pre-emptive strike!
7. UN Weapons Inspectors Are Furious over Bushit and Lies
Mercury News reports, "As UN nuclear inspectors flee Iraq, some of them are angry at the Bush administration for cutting short their work, bad-mouthing their efforts and making false claims about evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Some inspectors are 'scandalized' at the way Bush and Colin Powell, among others, have 'politicized' the inspection process. None of the nuclear-related intelligence trumpeted by the administration has held up to scrutiny, inspectors say.