When They Tell You The Decider Has Ultimate Authority Over The Military...
John Stroeble
Remember when FDR went to Congress and demanded War be declared?
Congress either approved or disapproved in both cases.
So DON'T allow your elected official to pass the buck to Bush. The power resides with THEM, NOT him.
Congress can pull us out TODAY. Congress can FORBID a strike or invasion on Iran Syria or ANY OTHER country.
The only power that can over ride Congress is the Supreme Court, and they spoke to this in the 1800's. NOTHING changes that.
Congress GAVE him the 'war powers bullshit authority' and what Congress givith, Congress can taketh away.
And remember one last thing...that bullshit you have been hearing ad nausium that 'This is a WAR' or 'We are at WAR'?
Practice now. "Bullshit". ONLY CONGRESS can declare war, and Congress has NOT declared war. The difference is MASSIVE, and a VERY LEGAL one.
A paid political message from the committee who says "Screw These Bastards"
CONGRESSIONAL WATCH SITE: http://www.govtrack.us/
FIND AND CONTACT YOUR FEDERAL REP http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html
READ THE US CONSTITUTION: http://usconstitution.net/const.html
"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men" - Abe Lincoln