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250,000 Tell Bush Team: You Flunk Ads Surround Department of Education

Ads Surround Department of Education

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From: "Education Action'


Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 8:42 PM

Subject: Help the [petition]

Dear Michael,

We've done it. You, and more than 250,000 citizens signed a petition demanding that President Bush fire Secretary of Education Rod Paige for accusing teachers of belonging to a "terrorist organization."

Today, we will deliver the petition — with all of your individual comments included — to the White House.


And to make sure that Rod Paige and the administration get the message, we launched a month-long ad campaign at bus stops and subway stations all around the Department of Education headquarters in Washington, DC.

For this campaign to be a success, we need your help. We need to raise $30,000 in the next 48 hours to fund the campaign. For every $2 that you contribute, we will give $1. Donations of any amount will be a great help — please give whatever you can. Even as little as $10 would make a real difference.

Contributing is easy. Just click on the link below and make a donation through our secure server. And best of all, your donation is completely tax deductible.

» Click here to see the ads and contribute! «

We'll be back in touch with you soon with an update!

Thank you for standing up for America's teachers and school children.

The Institute for America's Future and have teamed up for this campaign to show that Americans are tired of insults and broken promises, and that when it comes to responsibility and accountability, the Bush administration should walk the walk, not simply talk the talk.
