The Voice of the White House for December 15th 2006
The pressure on him to cease the American participation in the Iraqi civil war is growing but he is now denying the entreaties of his father, his father’s advisors, the senior military, Republican legislators and most important, the American people, to get out of Iraq and leave that country to its own devices.
No, Bush is now going to scrape the manpower reserves to the bottom of the barrel, and ship between 30,000 and 40,000 new troops to Iraq as quickly as possible. His end goal is 70,000 by the first of the year. These new troops will enabled our embattled and badly depleted forces there to regroup and launch a “final and decisive” push against insurgents (but only inside Baghdad and not outside it), kill as many as possible, declare a “great and decisive victory” and then get out, saving the Imperial blotched and twitching face.
However, in order to prolong the victory, (the speech writers are working on his “Victory Speech to the American Public” even as I write) Bush has given orders to overthrow the current Iraqi government by force and replace it with one that will “crack down” on dissident elements and prevent further insurgency.
The problem with this typical American solution to foreign problems is that no one here is exactly sure who our new Saddam will be. If he is a Sunni, the Shiites will raise hell and Iran might well invade. If a Shiite, the mostly Sunni Arab neighbors will quickly support the other side.
In all of this horrible mess, the representatives of Israel, like poison dwarves, are constantly on the telephone with Bush and Cheney and their few remaining friends in the Pentagon. What do they want? They want us to help them destroy the nuclear capacity of Iran, probably by bombing Tehran back into the stone age. Typically, they don’t want to do this themselves (they threaten nuclear attacks but in truth, their nuclear weaponry is an overstated, propaganda farce) but want us to do it for them. Not satisfied with their lock on Bush, their Mossad agents, who regularly attend meetings at the CIA at Langley, have taken to bugging various conference rooms where they go to exchange views with their co-religionists who are now in the predominance there. Of course the bugs were detected but the errant chaps from the Mossad were permitted to keep their access if they promised to be good in the future.
'This is impossible in fact, but that never deterred Israel.' Bush kisses their collective asses the way the repulsive Blair kisses Bush’s raddled fundament but he wouldn’t dare nuke Tehran and a U.S. military invention is impossible.
That the new troops (mostly badly trained National Guardsmen) would be slaughtered by the increasingly well-armed and trained Iraqi resistance people is of absolutely no consequence to Bush. He has been warned that mobs of ill-armed, badly trained, overweight pharmacy clerks would be like lambs led to the slaughter but constant warnings to him by everyone connected with this back ward craziness has no effect. Bush wants to save his ugly face and a few thousand more dead means nothing to him. And when it fails terribly, typically, Bush will immediately blame the Pentagon for the disaster.
In the end, why doesn’t Bush put on a nice uniform with lots of gold braid and go there himself to lead the charges against machineguns and rockets? He would end up feeding Baghdad’s wild dogs and the world would heave a collective sigh of relief and resume normal lives once again.
Mark you, this pleasant scenario is not an internet fantasy plot like the legendary and hysterically entertaining “atomic” destruction of Houston a couple of years ago and unless Bush is stopped, and soon, the results will be terrible to behold.”