CAFTA: Bush Gives Finger To America
What he was saying was **screw all of you - I broke the arms and I got my way - ONE WORLD IS ON THE WAY and *I* did it!!!** Bush is just a modern version of the old union and mob goons with the same level of social manners (he has none).
Bush is nothing more than an arrogant SOB (son of barbara) and his frequent use of giving folks the FINGER is another indication of his IQ level - he isn't any different than Clinton - in his moral values - yet, those fine Christian folks still defend and excuse him. If it were Kerry or any Democrat doing this the *Christian* community would be all over him. He is your JUDAS and he will do to you what the original Judas did - BETRAY - BETRAY - BETRAY with a *kiss*.
This vote was taken under the cover of DARKNESS (and I mean that in more ways than the level of artificial light). Each and every person who voted for this should be impeached for violating their oath of office - as this so called treaty totally destroys America by letting others decide which *laws* govern us.
Remember I have been trying to tell you - all this war on terrorism, Homeland Security - Patriot Act - No Child Left Behind - NAFTA - GATT - FTAA - CAFTA - and all the other bits and pieces - including Executive Orders - are all leading this nation to the pit of hell. If you think it is miserable dealing with the price of gasoline - you ain't seen nuthin yet. Wait until you are lined up for food and are told sorry - you don't have the proper identification to get your daily bowl of swill. Y2K preparation might be a good idea - being very careful of where you store it too.
Many of you are singing loudly - "I owe my soul to the company store...." keep those credit cards filled.... charge until you drop --- and you will.
It isn't who 'you' are - It is WHOSE you are !!!