Bush And Company
By Bob Zimmerman
In Iraq, the unnecessary massacre of thousands of innocent women and children from 30,000 feet, euphemistically characterized by Bush right-wing radicals as “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” is a continuing human tragedy. Long after Bush prematurely announced victories in Iraq and Afghanistan, many American soldiers and innocent Iraqis and Afghanis are losing their lives and limbs in efforts to prop up Bush installed regimes that have no chance of establishing themselves as legitimate governing bodies. Because of Bush bumbling, deceptions, and lies, al Qaeda is regrouping and remerging, possibly stronger than ever.
Because Bush lied about why he sent our troops to Iraq, much of the world now considers America the world’s leading terrorist nation. Our America, once the world’s model for freedom and democracy, is now feared and despised. Our America, once a shining example of how a large and diverse nation could govern itself with dignity, is now lurching into fascism.
Bush has lied to us so often it is difficult to know if he has ever told the truth. He lied to us about his family’s continuing financial relationship with the bin Laden family. He lied to us about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And he lied to us about Iraq posing an imminent threat, and even created phony evidence to support that lie.
With Bush’s credibility shattered, more and more people now think he lied to us about what really happened on 9/11. We know he lied to us about being a compassionate conservative; actually, the real Bush is a radical right-wing fanatic who cares not at all for working Americans, retirees, the needy, or the environment. We know he lied to us about being the education president; actually, his obscene wars and inept domestic agenda are destroying our public schools. And he is lying when he claims not to know who in his administration leaked national security information to the press in an effort to discredit the person who exposed his lie about Iraq seeking uranium from Niger. Bush refuses to ask his staff who leaked because he knows who leaked and approved the leak.
Enough is enough. America must immediately turn over the political administration and the rebuilding of Iraq to the United Nations and begin to withdraw our troops from harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now is the time to end the ridiculous spinning that very few still believe. Now is the time for Bush to confess the damage he has wrought. The Bush White House and the Rumsfeld-led Defense Department are rattled and embarrassed by ongoing criminal investigations, making these dangerous people more potentially menacing than ever. Just how deep Bush administration criminality runs only time will tell.
But there is a way out of this unholy mess. American lives will be saved, our national security enhanced, and our credibility abroad restored, by the Bush administration immediately announcing its resignation en masse. With this done, new American leadership can begin mending our relationships abroad and restoring our spluttering economy. It will take some time, but whether started now or after the next president is elected in November 2004, the America we once knew and were proud of will bounce back better than ever.
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Bob Zimmerman, author of:
The American Challenge:
Twenty-One Winning Strategies for the 21st Century
Contact: Uxor Press at 415-383-8481, or
bobzimmerman@usa.com, or