President Bush Unveils National Strategy to Mobilize International Support to Rid Nations of Kleptocracy, or High-level Corruption by Senior Government Officials
On Thursday, President Bush said regarding his administration's fight against kleptocracy, "High-level corruption by senior government officials, or kleptocracy, is a grave and corrosive abuse of power and represents the most invidious type of public corruption. It threatens our national interest and violates our values. It impedes our efforts to promote freedom and democracy, end poverty, and combat international crime and terrorism. Kleptocracy is an obstacle to democratic progress, undermines faith in government institutions, and steals prosperity from the people. Promoting transparent, accountable governance is a critical component of our freedom."
The Bush Administration said that kleptocracy is a threat to the governments and citizens of not only developed countries but to undeveloped countries. Corruption by senior officials in executive, judicial, legislative or other official positions in government can destabilize those societies and destroy the aspirations of their people for a better way of life. At the recent G-8 summit in Vienna, Austria, President Bush committed to promote legal frameworks and a global financial system that will reduce the opportunities for kleptocracies to develop and to deny safe haven to corrupt officials, those who corrupt them, and the proceeds to corrupt activity.
America's National Motto "In God We Trust" Passes 50th Milestone/Representative Jo Ann Davis Seeks More Co-sponsors on her "Support for the National Motto of the United States" Resolution
On July 30, 1956, 50 years ago, the Congress passed and President Dwight David Eisenhower, West Point, Class of 1915, signed into law, legislation which made "In God We Trust" America's national motto. The ACLU has relentlessly attacked our national motto and other atheists and Members of Congress have stepped up to defend the motto.
For example, Representative Jo Ann Davis introduced last year a resolution H. Con. Res. 302 to support the national motto of the United States and it currently has 37 co-sponsors. In addition, Congressman Duncan Hunter, (R-TN), has introduced an outstanding resolution in support of America's national motto, H. Con. Res. 411. Senator Sam Brownback, (R-KS), has introduced the counterpart, S. Con. Res. 96 in the Senate.
In February, Congresswoman Davis' bill was referred to the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution. The following is a description of her bill, H. Con. Res. 302:
Whereas the national motto of the United States is `In God we trust';
Whereas the national motto was adopted in 1956 and is codified in the laws of the United States at section 302 of title 36, United States Code;
Whereas the national motto reflects the traditional sentiment that we are a people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being;
Whereas the sentiment `In God we trust' is deeply interwoven into the fabric of our civil polity;
Whereas the content of the motto is as old as the Republic itself and has always been as integral a part of the first amendment to the Constitution as the very words of that charter of religious liberty;
Whereas the Founding Fathers believed devotedly that there was a God and that the unalienable rights of man were rooted in Him, a belief clearly evidenced in their writings, from the Mayflower Compact to the Constitution itself;
Whereas our national life reflects a religious people who earnestly pray that the Supreme Lawgiver guide them in every measure which may be worthy of His blessing;
Whereas the national motto serves the secular purpose of expressing confidence in the future and encouraging the recognition of what is worthy of appreciation in society;
Whereas the national motto appears on all coins and currency issued by the United States Government; and
Whereas the words `In God We Trust' appear over the entrance to the Chamber of the Senate and are prominently engraved in the wall above the Speaker's dais in the Chamber of the House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), that the House of Representatives--
(1) Finds repugnant all misinterpretations and misapplications of the Constitution that disregard those references to God that are well within the American tradition and outside constitutional proscription;
(2) Finds that acknowledgment of our need for the superintending care of the Supreme Being does not intrude upon the freedom of conscience;
(3) Rejects the notion that the laws and Constitution of this Nation require the exclusion of God from matters of Government and public life;
(4) supports the public display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools, and other Government institutions established or maintained at taxpayer expense;
(5) Supports the inscription of the national motto on United States currency; and
(6) Affirms its support for the national motto.
ACTION ITEM: Please call your Representative to urge him/her to co-sponsor Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis' H. Con Res. 302, a resolution to support the national motto, "In God We Trust”. They can be called at 202-225-3121 or you can go to and email them.
Senator Jon Kyl Looks to Add Cosponsors to "Pledge Protection Act" Which Passed U.S. House of Representatives by 260-167
The United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed Congressman Todd Akin's (R-MO) "Pledge Protection Act” by a margin of 260-167.
Thus far the following Senators have co-sponsored Senator Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) "Pledge Protection Act," S. 1046.
Sen Allard, Wayne (CO) ..... Sen Brownback, Sam (KS)
Sen Bunning, Jim (KY) ..... Sen Burns, Conrad R. (MT)
Sen Burr, Richard (NC) ..... Sen Chambliss, Saxby (GA)
Sen Coburn, Tom (OK) ..... Sen Crapo, Mike (ID)
Sen Ensign, John (NV) ..... Sen Inhofe, James M. (OK)
Sen Lott, Trent (MS) ..... Sen Martinez, Mel (FL)
Sen Shelby, Richard C. (AL) ..... Sen Stevens, Ted (AK)
Sen Talent, Jim (MO) ..... Sen Thune, John (SD)
The following is a description of Senator Jon Kyl's bill:
To amend title 28, United States Code, with respect to the jurisdiction of Federal courts over certain cases and controversies involving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Pledge Protection Act of 2005'.
(a) In General- Chapter 99 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 1632. Limitation on jurisdiction
`(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), no court created by Act of Congress shall have any jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court shall have no appellate jurisdiction, to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance, as defined in section 4 of title 4, or its recitation.
`(b) The limitation in subsection (a) does not apply to—
`(1) any court established by Congress under its power to make needful rules and regulation respecting the territory of the United States; or
`(2) the Superior Court of the District of Columbia or the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.'
Please call your two Senators and ask them to become a co-sponsor of S. 1046, the "Pledge Protection Act" at 202-224-3121 or you can go to and email them.
Virginia Poll Reveals Overwhelming Support for State Constitutional Amendment Banning Homosexual "Marriage" Which is on Virginia's Ballot This November
After 20 states have overwhelmingly passed amendments to their state's constitutions by an average of 72% banning homosexual "marriages", voters in other states including in the state of Virginia will be able to vote on a constitutional amendment banning homosexual "marriages". A Mason-Dixon poll last week revealed that a large majority of Virginians (56% to 38%) support a ban on homosexual "marriages". Without any doubt, the number voting for such a ban on homosexual "marriage" in Virginia will be much larger since the actual number of voters who vote for such state constitutional amendments are about 20% higher than the last polls taken just before votes.
Christian Coalition Activists need to continue to Press for Action Needed to Pass "Multicast/Equal Access" Legislation to Prevent Discrimination Against Religious Broadcasters
"Multicast/Equal Access" (formerly called "Multicast/Must-carry") will go a long way to preventing discrimination against religious broadcasters. Without a "Multicast/Equal Access" law, the cable and satellite companies would probably not add new Christian channels and the influence of current Christian channels will be diluted.
Please continue to ask your representatives to support “Multicast/Equal Access” and religious broadcasters. Call your Congressman and 2 Senators at 202-225-3121 or you can go to and email them and let them know we need a “Multicast/Equal Access” Amendment to any Telecom bill.
Please sign our petition and join the Faith & Family Television Task Force and encourage your family, friends and church friends to also sign the petition at our website join the Christian Coalition’s Judicial Task Force, which is dedicated to ending the obstruction of the President's judicial nominees and ensuring that they ALL receive a fair "up or down" vote by the full Senate. There are a number of President Bush's Circuit Court of Appeals' nominees who have not yet received a Senate floor vote. You will become part of a team of individuals who are committed to being ready on a moment’s notice to take action when obstruction occurs.
Please keep the above issues in prayer. Through prayer and action great and mighty things can be accomplished.
Psalm 33:12 “Bless is the nation whose God is the Lord…”