TVNL Editor's Comments: To Bush the Hypocrite: There is no “Mission” to Accomplish in Iraq!
Jesse, Editor, TvNews
Reality check: the US launched an attack against a nation that had done nothing to provoke one. We were told that this war was needed to protect the American people from a real and growing threat based on Iraq’s WMD program and its cooperation with Al Qaeda. Both of those claims have been proven to be false and all indications, then and now, are that the Bush administration was intentionally lying about the threat posed by Iraq. No, they were not misled, nor did they ‘mislead’ the nation. They lied purposely and knowingly to terrorize a nation into accepting their war.
Bush and his cohorts were using their ‘imminent threat’ excuse to justify the planned agenda of the neoconservatives that had been prepared by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC.) So in, realty the stated mission was and is moot. There was nothing to protect us from and we all know that now.
Bottom line: THERE IS NO MISSION FOR OUR MILITARY IN IRAQ! Ergo, we cannot ‘complete’ the mission Mr. Bush talks about incessantly.
Now I ask the most obvious question…if George W. Bush is so willing to leave American troops in Iraq, where they are dying and killing people every day, and their presence there is increasing anti-American radicalism all over the world and leading to the financial death our nation, why was he not willing to leave the weapons inspectors there forever!
We could have left a non-stop inspection process in place indefinitely. It would have cost a fraction of what this invasion has cost us and it would have spared hundreds of thousands of lives. It would have sent a message to the entire world and it would have earned respect and admiration for America. George W. Bush’s popularity may have skyrocketed as a result, and the Republican party would have ruled supreme for a generation.
Instead, George W. Bush pushed the PNAC agenda. This was the real mission all along. This was why 9/11 happened Yes, I am saying that I believe 100 percent, based on the official body of evidence, that the events of 9/11/2001 were planned and conducted by elements within our government. This plan stemmed from from the determination of the PNAC neocon cabal to deliver the PNAC described New Pearl Harbor that they wrote about openly. Such a ‘cataclysmic event’ was a necessity for implementing their agenda which included regime change in Iraq, Iran and Syria!
Once again, the corporate media expose themselves as the enemy of the American people by continuing to report what has to be termed a “false reality.” They pretend that the mission in Iraq is legitimate. The ignore every single administrative hypocrisy; and there are more examples of this than one can be listed in a single day. And they continue to pretend that the obvious does not exist. In this case, the most obvious truth is still ignored by the networks - that the invasion of Iraq was based on a series of absolute lies. They still refuse to admit that inspectors were on the ground in Iraq, making the invasion completely unnecessary. For starters, do a search for the smoking gun known as the Downing Street Memos that the US media completely ignored)
The primary reason an invasion of Iraq became inevitable was that George W. Bush placed a time line on the inspections and he did this because WMD were never the issue. Regime change as per PNAC was. This should all be obvious to anybody who has even a minimally functioning brain ; if not then at least now! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,