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Presidential Election Talking Points for All Concerned Americans

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The Bush Record Exposed: Nothing but Lies, Deceptions, and Crimes against Humanity

These Talking Points describe what every thinking American already knows:

The vast majority of the American people are suffering, and they

are disgusted with the unjust, inept, corrupt, and often

criminal activities of the Bush administration.

1. Bush shirked his Vietnam military obligation; then, again, went AWOL on

9/11 and intentionally failed to protect us.

- Sources: 9/11 Official Investigating Commission, New York Times editorial, February 12, 2004, and

many others too numerous to list. For a detailed timeline of Bush administration 9/11 activities and

failures see

2. Bush’s War of Terror is judged “unfocused,” and the Bush decision to

invade Iraq is dubbed a disastrous “strategic error.”

- Source: U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, December 2003.

3. Bush has intentionally exaggerated the global terrorist threat.

4. Bush repeatedly lied to us about his reasons for invading Iraq.

5. Bush flip-flops: A wee sampler.

6. Bush economic stewardship is more inept than that of Herbert Hoover.

7. Bush is toast: Independent and Republican voters are crossing over. One

Republican who lost his son in Iraq said he’d rather vote for Saddam

Hussein than cast another vote for Bush.

8. Bush spends $200 million on falsified TV ads to hide his miserable record.

9. Bush is blasted for fake “compassion” by a real American family.

10. Bush is intentionally driving middle-America into bankruptcy.

11. Bush tax cuts are nothing but an ugly scam on working families and retirees.

12. Bush, with a smirk on his face, is waging war on America’s children.

13. Bush is anti-choice, anti-women’s rights, anti-civil rights, anti-human rights,

anti-worker rights; his approach to the environment and gays is disdain.

14. Bush is pursuing an ugly policy of economic class warfare.

15. Bush has repeatedly looted the U.S. Treasury to enrich his wealthy friends.

16. Bush refuses to cooperate with the official 9/11 investigating commission.

17. Bush actions upon learning of the 9/11 attack are highly suspect.

18. Bush deliberately stonewalls the families of the victims of 9/11.

19. Bush and Cheney claims about exporting democracy to Iraq are bogus.

20. Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill says Bush is a failed president.

21. Bush is obstructing justice in the criminal investigation of the White House.

22. Bush and Cheney are neocons with an anti-democratic, fascist agenda.

23. Bush policies and programs favor only wealthy special interest groups.

24. Bush wants to destroy Social Security, Medicare, and overtime pay.

25. Bush lied to us and then used our soldiers as re-election propaganda props.

26. Bush is contributing to the spread of AIDS amongst our youth.

27. Bush has failed to provide promised federal funding to fight global AIDS.

28. Bush is deliberately waging war on the environment.

29. Bush and Cheney’s foreign policy is deliberately creating global instability.

30. Bush and Cheney deliberately spread hatred, fear, and loathing in America.

31. Bush is deliberately rescinding the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

32. Bush and Cheney war talk is nothing but schoolyard bullyboy arrogance.

33. Bush has failed to capture Osama bin Laden and defeat al Qaeda.

34. Bush helped the bin Laden family and 140 Saudi terrorists flee America.

35. Bush slashes soldiers and veterans pay and benefits.

36. Bush is highly antagonistic to working people and their unions.

37. Bush elective wars are ungodly and un-Christian.

38. Bush is deliberately starving state and local governments.

39. Bush favors political fundraising over attending our soldier’s funerals.

40. Bush as lord high executioner and mass-murderer.

41. Bush anti-science policies are retarding scientific research.

42. Bush stole one election; is he planning to steal another?

43. Bush has lost his self-proclaimed global war of terror.

44. Bush war spending is counterproductive and bankrupting America.

45. Bush will say and do anything to avoid defeat in 2004.

46. Bush and Ashcroft seek to crush dissent in America # 1 (USA Patriot Act).

47. Bush and Ashcroft seek to crush dissent in America # 2 (First Amendment).

48. Bush sends U.S. reserve units into action without proper equipment.

49. Bush has appointed a cabinet of, by, and for the wealthy.

50. Bush spends big for bombs while slashing vital programs for the needy.

51. Bush denies access to necessary medical care to millions of Americans.

52. Bush is deliberately destroying America’s middle-income families.

53. Bush wants full control of what is left of our free press.

54. Bush has set out to destroy the separation of church and state.

55. Bush and Cheney could be tried as war criminals.

56. Bush and Ashcroft have failed to prosecute most giant corporate crime.

57. Bush has an energy bill that only energizes energy company profits.

58. Bush and Rove rigged the California gubernatorial recall election.

59. Bush: Your choice; a rugged individualist, or a spoiled brat?

60. Bush and Cheney prefer rebuilding Iraq to rebuilding America.

61. Bush friends stuff their pockets with staggering war profits. # # # #
