People Killing People – Or How I Learned To Despise Bush And All He Stands For
And All He Stands For
By Ed Lewis
Posted on: 3/26/2004 3:38:00 PM - Columnist
Others maythink as they want, but as far as this American is concerned, Bush is quite possibly the most horrendous excuse for a leader there has ever been. Initially, during the previous campaign, the writer just thought Bush a rich, spoiled brat that had gotten out of trouble, into business (all failed), and had the governorship of Texas bought for him by his daddy.
Since that time, the perspective has changed to one of how the devil could a man such as Bush have the responsibility of controlling one of the world’s armies and dictating policy? After all –
He cannot tell the truth.
He has no conscience for the miseries of we ordinary people.
He couldn’t care less about the enemies he has created, both abroad and domestically. He has the most corrupt of armed enforcers backing him, people who are as corrupt as he is (namely Congress and his “staff” of warmongers), and “courts” that do not resemble in the slightest courts of law established by the Constitution for the united States of America.
His lie after lie has resulted in genocide, or at least mass killings of thousands upon thousands of people. The people were blown to bits, with the families, homes, livelihood, relatives, and everything they held dear destroyed. And, for what?
If one is fair and impartial, one can only conclude that Bush is a blood lusting loser that could care less how many people are killed – both abroad and domestically.
Even now, as the truth has emerged – that both Afghanistan and Iraq were based on lies of the almighty Bush and his legion of losers - he still graves more human blood spilled, as he sits back in comfort acting as if he is concerned about human freedom. The US Military people are still being killed, while they slaughter additional human beings who have done no harm to our union of states.
To top it off, the truth has also emerged that he is a chickenshit that hid behind his daddy’s money, while thousands of Americans, and millions of Vietnamese were slaughtered under false pretenses. Then, the big brave man doffs a US Military uniform and acts as if he is a great military hero. God, what gall.
We – the American people – were once a group of people joined in common effort to assure no human rights were violated, but we continue to allow this poor excuse of a man and Christian – and about as false a leader as can be – to remain in the white house, even though the world knows the truth.
What is equally gut wrenching is that most Americans know but because of misplaced loyalty, the writer supposes – that if you aren’t with us, you’re against us – they keep backing the incompetence of Bush and the warmongering bunch of jackals he surrounds himself with.
Bush is also a yellow jackal because he hides – or tries to hide the truth about his administration and the intent of those who control his every word and action – behind “national security”, when in fact the only security they are concerned with is the protection of their own evil – despicable acts and intents to enslave all the people of the world.
When a leader will not make public every transaction and record, then he is denying the people the whole of the principles this union of sovereign states was founded. History thusly will certainly show this man to be one of the top ten enemies of human freedom – unless a Bush relative or lover writes the history.
Stop, People!!! Remove your blinders; think impartially and objectively about Bush’s record of failures – before and after his placement into politics by his daddy – for the sake of mankind.
The best deterrent to crime is for every American to be fully armed at home, fully armed when leaving the house – particularly in a concealed fashion – and willing to use the weapons to defend himself and his family with his weapons.
Criminal do not attack people who they think could actually kill them, or end their criminal lives in some fashion, such as wounding them allowing law enforcers to catch them. If a criminal suspects another is armed, and knows his potential victim will use his arms, he moves on to less “dangerous” people to mug or whatever.
The same holds true for countries. Let them know about the weapons we have, and that we can and will use them. Our strength is much clearer then, than using them and failing in the use.
Stop and think! Kick in more than two neurons.
The Afghanis – those the US Government wished to dispose – have not been beaten. The fact is they are now stronger than before, as they survived the bombing of their people “back to the stone age”. Remember – what does not destroy one just makes them stronger.
The US Government could have kept it up until every standing structure was destroyed, but the people still will not be beaten. Afghanistan through ten years of battling the Russians proved this beyond all reasonable doubt.
Now, here is what Iraq has taught not only the writer, but also the Iraqi people who oppose the brand of “democracy” exhibited by the US Government and the thoroughly enslaved American people.
The US Military is NOT the mightiest force on Earth. It cannot sustain its hollow victories over long periods of time, the same lesson the Russians learned.
Survivors of massive bombings can continue picking at the invading and terrorist military force until it is completely demoralized. Thus, even though huge numbers of innocent people are slaughtered, the intended end of the invading army – that is the United States in most cases – is not met.
The people’s backs are not broken, so to speak, but instead the resolve against the invading force is intensified. Suddenly, people who were not enemies become enemies who fight a large massed army as only it can – through guerilla hit and run tactics that cannot be beaten by any army.
Thus, the terrorist in the case of both Afghanistan and Iraq – the US Government – becomes the target of what we mistakenly call “terrorists”. Those who fight back we should conclude are in reality “freedom fighters” using “hit and run” tactics against the unlawful invasion and occupation of their countries.
Now, after bombing the crap out of Afghanistan, and the never ending conflict in Iraq, with the US Military beginning to become demoralized, other countries see the weakness of the United States, that its primary tool for enslavement is mass bombing and other means of mass killing and destruction, so as to avoid huge numbers of American losses.
These countries – at least those within those countries who believe they have the right to their own beliefs and customs – fight back with small, sudden attacks. They use what we call the acts of terrorists, when the truth is their acts are just acts of self-defense of themselves, their families, their property, their beliefs, and the land they call “home”.
Diplomacy is the forgotten tool of peace. Bush has not the slightest inkling of what “diplomacy” is, and may not even be able to spell or say it. His idea of “diplomacy” is to lay down carpet after carpet of bombs, missiles, and other explosive, WMD devices until his demands are met.
For Bush, the Demented, his thinking extends no further than – ‘you just do whatever I say, or we will bomb the crap out of you.” In other words, he is a loser in terms of statesmanship, a quality of leadership that he cannot be remotely accused of.
Recall back, People – that is, at least the generations that grew up during the 40s, 50s, and 50s. Up until the 1970s, there was very little terrorism – in fact, the writer had never heard the term used until either the very end of the 60s or the very early 70s. This was the case worldwide. What is different now from then?
The main difference is the US Government kept increasingly getting involved in the Middle East, and desiring control of all oil/ drug producing countries.
The US Government decided that it could interfere in other countries and relied on the ease with which the American people could be deceived and manipulating into thinking it was our destiny to control the world. What a load of crap.
What right do we have to conspire to kill the leaders of other countries? That has been one of the main functions of the CIA – to effect “regime” changes.
Another main function has been to create groups, such as the Taliban and al Qaeda, and to train them to combat terrorism that was created through the misplaced dictates on other peoples and cultures by the ever-greedy US Government. Even leaders such as bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were creations of the dastardly US Government.
Arafat was essentially a creation of the US Government or caused by the US Government and its interference in the Middle East.
Then, to add fuel to the fire of the Middle Eastern people, they know that without support of the US, Israel – the politically established country by Zionists – would have long ago ceased to exist. It is a politically created country that relies solely on terrorism without repercussions due the protection it receives from the US and British Governments.
If this “rogue” state did not receive billions of dollars, arms, political backing, military backing, and so on from primarily the US Government, the other countries in the Middle East would have long ago set things right.
At any rate, if another country knows that a country it would like to invade has the intestinal fortitude and the weapons to fight back so that the “war” might never end, that the costs would be too high, the country isn’t likely to invade the other.
Let them know that nearly every household is armed, and that the people will use their arms should they be attacked, whether by a foreign force or a domestic force. Let them know the military might be destroyed, but the people will not.
Then, use diplomacy so that the adversaries feel each has won.
However, with Bush and people like Bush, this cannot be done, as their intent is not world peace but war piled upon war for profits to the elite, and death to as many people as possible.
What Bush and his bunch of conniving secretive corrupt warmongers – and most of the American people – have forgotten is that a country’s strength is not in its military and so-called “leadership”; the strength of a country is in its people and the unwillingness to be ruled by any but them selves. That is liberty – freedom – not the drivel spouted by people such as Bush.
Thus, to summarize – Bush is incompetent – except in lie after lie, and directly responsible for the writer suspects thousands more deaths of people than what is being reported by Zionist mainstream media.
So, whyl is this liar and war criminal still in the white house, along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the other warmongering bunch in their positions?
Why are Americans still in Iraq, Afghanistan, and 135 countries total, when our borders are open to any number of thieves, illegals, other criminals, and terrorists, while our own people being attacked by law enforcers, their private property seized unlawfully, and so on?
Wake up, People. We – at least the government – are the terrorists both at home and abroad, while those in other countries are the true freedom fighters.
Not only that, but it will remain so with the Republic/Democrat coalition of corruptness in power.
Never ever will the world see peace – including within our many states – as long as these two political parties have powerful people the likes of those now in power.
We will go on and on – people killing people. And, for what? Our defense? For democracy and liberation?
God, are we gullible. I for one wish I could correct the wrongs done to the world by the corrupt in Washington in our name. But, there is simply no way to correct a man holding pieces of his child – or a child holding the pieces of his father or mother – the result of indiscriminate American mass bombing, is there?
People killing people at the orders of the so-called “elite” – will it soon reach America in massive numbers? Only if it is at the orders of the US Government and Bush-like officials.
Thus, the writer’s utter contempt for Bush.
By Ed Lewis