Astrological Prediction of George W. Bush's Death
Transits to his natal chart: - T Pluto opposes Uranus, natal ruler of the 8th house (death), Pluto rules terrorism and has its direct station right in opp with GWB's Uranus - T Sun opposes 8th cusp in the natal chart
Progressions to the natal chart: - P MC conjunct with Uranus - sudden change in carreer - P Sun conjunct Mars (violence) - P Mars conjunct Chiron (sufferance by agression) - P Mercury opposed to the 8th cusp - P Moon sesquisquare Sun
Solar Return chart: - SR Ascendant conjunct natal Ascendant - indicates the year of death - SR Sun conjunct SR Saturn, ruler of the 8th, in the 12th - SR Moon, ruler of the 12th, conjunct with the 8th cusp (these connections between the 8th and the 12th may allow the hidden ennemies to provoke GWB's death) - SR Mars right on the Ascendant square the nodal axis - intense activity, possible violence
There is also the Tecumseh's curse, stating that any US president elected every 20 years after 1840 (included) will die in office. Ever since then, only Ronald Reagan escaped this curse. [NOTE: It is thought that Ronald Reagan had a close call with death when his bodyguard Bill Brady was injured by assassin's bullets. The truth is that Ronald Reagan was shot and killed in this incident. He was cloned at Camp David and continued throughout his presidency as a clone, as have many presidents including all of them since Reagan. PHB ]And the history tells us the Reagan was the only US President to use extensively an astrologer's services for each and every important event (Joan Quigley). Also Ronald Reagan was surnamed the 'teflon' president, just because he escaped from every scandal with his reputation intact. The quality electional astrology extensively used by Joan Quigley for the timing of every public apperance was the 'teflon' that protected him from the malevolent influences. The electional astrology is a very powerful tool, essential for every businessman or professional. So, based on the above argumentation - I think GWB will die on August 19, 2004. And this is my prediction. [NOTE: electional astrology
Radu emailed me with a link exchange proposition this morning- it turned out we had already exchanged links some months previously, but then I remembered how impressed I was with his articles. May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!