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Oregon In A State Of War - [G.W. Bush's Visit To Oregon]

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for 10 miles around the COMMANDER AND CHIEF.

A girl named Kelly was congratulated by the COMMANDER AND CHIEF at the AIR BASE for her work in Campfire which helps COMMUNITY. This term "Community" implies, as can be proven otherwise, a prevailing Military jurisdiction as does the term civilian.

The COMMANDER AND CHIEF is in Portland to induce money from people for His re-election bid. Protest sign, A village in Texas is missing its idiot" Another: Save the forest burn a Bush

There is a realtime media blackout here. The Media is saying they are not allowed to cover live video of any private speaking going on. But "of course" a reporter said "we have a reporter inside taking notes." And another reporter saying of the spectacle as a motorcade passed, "And you see freedom of speech being exercised BEHIND THE CYCLONE FENCE." [My emphasis. Sounded like the desription of a bunch of Prisoners of War with the right to speak "freely".]

The Klamath County sheriff attending the Redmond Area visit of the COMMANDER AND CHIEF is forbidden to carry his weapon. It must be considered, because the weapon is part of the uniform of office, this person is no longer a sheriff.....And apparently, never had a right to bear arms. And what is worse he didn't stand up for the Office. And this unilateral, federal, divestment of authority must mean there isn't ANY state or local right of sovereignty. The local governance is overthrown in the presence of a central government officer. Meaning, We the people have absolutely no prevailing authority.

Two fires have mysteriously and suspiciously started, conveniently, as a backdrop for the COMMAND AND CHIEF to propose his fire agenda.

The Governor riding with the COMMANDER AND CHIEF from Portland to Redmond is merely a tour guide or by his own confession a HOST. That must imply the federal COMMANDEER is a parasite.

A Canadian AWACS plane took off many minutes before the departure of Air Force One, "to protect the COMMANDER AND CHIEF in our borders". What does the Queen's guard have to do with protecting an "American" COMMANDER AND CHIEF? Define Our.

Only one reporter called this Bush the "Commander IN Chief".

So where was the President?

Who, actually, are the idiots in the "village"?
