Planned Coup Against Bush For Treason "Sticking It To The Poobahs"
"Sticking It To The Poobahs"
The Middle-Finger News - Censored Bulletin
Sticking it To The Poobahs by Sherman H. Skolnick
Breaking News.....Bush ponders arrest of alleged plotters who seek to arrest him for treason....Facing possible arrest according to sources are Albert Gore Jr., Senator Bob Graham and an unnamed Pentagon general...
George W. Bush Denuded
Eight days before Commander-in-Chief/President Nixon was stripped of all authority, the indication of it in the top most circles was that the football' was taken away from him. That is the term used for the nuclear code briefcase always carried next to the President by a Marine Guard. In Nixon's case, White House Chief of Staff General Alexander Haig, was ordered to do so by a Jesuit relative. Thus the Pentagon could not carry out the orders of President Nixon since he had been divested of all authority.
On the same day that George W. Bush verbally announced that "we are not leaving Iraq" a top group in the U.S. military has let it be known that Bush no longer has authority as Commander-in-Chief. Those well informed on the subject contend that three symbols of his authority were shorn from Bush's presence.
U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D.-Fl.) in recent days confirmed that Bush may have him arrested for violating national security in releasing 9-11 U.S. documents, which tend to incriminate Bush with treasonous prior knowledge. On the same day as Bush's Press conference, the media announced that Al Gore was running for President. One commentator, stating that Gore may run to be re-elected President sarcastically implied that Gore is already the actual President but not inaugurated as a result of the strange 2000 election.
As a result of financial emergencies and impending military disasters, Gore s confidante's contend that he may appear as part of a three part group of emergency administrators of the Central Government called a troika. For that purpose they are whispering Gore and Graham may return to military uniform along with another U.S. military General who is a member of an opposition group to Bush in the Pentagon. In the past Bush failed to show up for military service unlike Gore and Graham who served in the military.
Some key Democrats and Republicans privately accuse Bush of treason giving U S. military secrets to the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the United States, who are reportedly blackmailing Bush on his alleged sordid private life traveling around with a male sexmate. To try to counter this Bush at his press conference said : "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe we ought to codify that one way or the other, and we have lawyers looking at the best way to do that."
Top Democrats contend that Bush seeks to arrest Gore with Graham and an unnamed General for plotting to arrest Bush as a traitor. Bush may sidestep this opposition military group by a fake supposed terrorist attack. This is why some of the top brass at the Pentagon have apparently divested Bush of all authority.