An Open Letter To George W. Bush
From A Concerned Patriot
I AM an American who is deeply troubled and confused about the current state of this country. Some things just don't add up for me. Best that I can tell,
I am not alone in these feelings. President Bush, you and your administration could really help me eliminate my confusion by providing some answers to just a few questions:
1.) Mr. President, where were the fighter jets on the morning of 9/11/01? Why were they not scrambled until LONG after 4 commercial airliners had been "hijacked", taken off course and out of communication with ground control? Why, Mr. President, when they WERE finally scrambled, were they sent from bases far removed from the action when other fighters were very close to New York and Washington? Why, Mr. President, has there been no public explanation nor investigation of this?
2.) Why, Mr. President, does your administration refuse to allow the release of the FAA transcripts of cockpit conversations from those 4 airliners?
3.) Why, Mr. President, since it has been documented that there were huge increases in the purchase of put options on American Airlines, United Airlines and several insurance companies' stocks in the days immediately preceding 9/11/01, has there been no insider trading investigation?
4.) Why, Mr. President, were on-going FBI investigations into al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and Saudi Arabian government support for terrorist organizations slowed down or cancelled outright by your administration shortly after you took office?
5.) Why, Mr. President, if the anthrax that was mailed to prominent Democratic leaders and members of the media has been proven to come from U.S. stockpiles, has there not been a much more aggressive and much more public pursuit of those responsible? Why, Mr. President, has the anthrax "investigation" just simply faded away?
6.) Why, Mr. President, was Henry Kissinger - a man who as Secretary of State in 1975 proposed that the U.S. should seize control of Arab oil fields in the Middle East, a man who has ties to the Project for the New American Century (which in 1997 published its blueprint for U.S. domination of the petroleum reserves of the Middle East and advocated the invasion of Iraq regardless of who was in power in that country), who has ties to the national Pakistani oil company (which shortly after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan signed contracts with U.S. oil companies to develop a new pipeline across Afghanistan and Pakistan), and who has ties to Chinese oil interests (the country with the single greatest increase in demand for oil in the world)- why was he chosen by you to head the "independent" investigation into the events of 9/11/01? Why, Mr. President, would Mr. Kissinger rather then resign this post than publicly disclose who his clients are?
7.) Why, Mr. President, does your administration refuse to disclose what oil industry contacts you and Vice-President Cheney chose to serve as aides in the formulation of your national energy policy - even in the face of numerous legitimate Congressional requests and a lawsuit by the General Accounting Office?
8.) Why, Mr. President, if the U.S. possesses the well-known spy satellite capability to "read the date on a dime anywhere in the world anytime we want", have you not been able to locate Osama bin Laden? Is it that you really don't WANT him to be located, Mr. President?
9.) Why, Mr. President, has this well-known satellite reconnaissance capability been unable to provide any credible evidence that Iraq still possesses biological weapons, is developing nuclear weapons OR has been playing "cat and mouse" games with U.N. inspectors?
10.) Why, Mr. President, are member countries of the U.N. Security Council being threatened and coerced into joining a "coalition of the willing". Why are the office and residence phones of these members' delegates to the U.N. being tapped and their e-mails read by U.S. intelligence agencies under your direction ? 11.) How, Mr. President, could your administration inform several of our key allies in the spring of 2001 that the U.S. would be at war in Afghanistan by October 2001 when the supposed rationale for the invasion of that country (9/11) had not yet even occurred?
12.) Why, Mr. President, was the U.S. P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act brought up for vote in a late-night , hastily-called session of Congress before most of the members had even received a copy of the bill to study and before any significant debate on the bill could take place?
13.) How, Mr. President, could you swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then allow the P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act, which violates no less than 3 fundamental tenets of the Constitution, to become law?
14.)Why, Mr. President, do you claim that an invasion of Iraq is justified to "end the oppression of the Iraqi people' yet your administration ignores the oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel and the oppression of the Saudi Arabian people by the government of that country?
15.)Why, Mr. President, do you claim that the U.S. must go to war in Iraq to enforce the resolutions of the United Nations while fully realizing that a unilateral, use of force by the U.S. without U.N. approval would violate the very charter of the United Nations?
16.) How, Mr. President, can you profess a deep Christian faith yet see no problem in launching unprovoked violence against innocent people?
Mr. President, deep inside I would love to support your "war on terrorism" and your "war to liberate Iraq" - I really would. But right now, I have many more questions than I have rational answers from your administration. Please help me, Mr. President, by providing me and all Americans with some straight answers.
If you don't (or won't), I can only conclude that your administration has something to hide - that your administration has a hidden agenda that you don't want the American people to know about - that your administration is purposely distorting the truth and lying to the American people. In which case, Mr. President, I can NOT support these wars nor can I support you as President. I must therefore, Mr. President, support work toward your impeachment.
To do otherwise would be to turn my back on the Constitution of the United States of America which has been (and still is) the foundation on which this country was built and has prospered for over 225 years. The Constitution, Mr. President, is bigger than you AND your administration.
The way I see it right now, the future of this country and the future of the "free" world depend on me.
A Concerned Patriot