George H. Scherff aka George Herbert Walker Bush aka 41st U.S. President
Don Nicoloff
What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny’s death in 1999, the various leads he provided have been followed up and tend to support what, at first blush, would appear to be the unbelievable rantings of an embittered old man. What remains constant as we pore through publicly available official records, private correspondence, memoirs, newspaper articles, photos and other “clues” is that Bush family records (the ones that exist) are a puzzle palace of inconsistencies and curiosities. Since it is a congressionally established fact that Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis during WWII, we can safely say that the Bush/Nazi connection existed. Who are the Bushes? How did they get connected with the Nazis? Is the connection still alive through U.S. presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush? The answers are not as literal as we would like them to be. But we have the testimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos—especially the one at right. So, here we go—the first installment of an investigation that points to a curious conclusion: The “Bush” family was created to destroy America. --Don Nicoloff
What we are taught about history in American schools is not history, but a fairy tale. Better yet, it is propaganda designed to hoodwink an unsuspecting society about its true heritage and the treasonous acts and sabotage that were conceived in order to bring about a New World Order. You are about to learn the real identities of those who have infiltrated your nation on behalf of secret societies intent on bringing about the total slavery of mankind. In the past, others have written about the numerous conspiracies to control natural resources, energy, food and our sovereign right to live on planet Earth — not as slaves of a wealthy few — but as free men, women, and children exercising the free will given to them by God.
“Research” is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. This is important research. Read it carefully, with an open mind. Considering the use of fluorides (sodium fluoride) in drinking water and toothpaste, you may already be in denial. Fluorides (we are told) are for the prevention of tooth decay. You, the reader, can decide if they really work. The real reason they are added to your drinking water and toothpaste is to cause you to become psychologically and physically placid, and therefore, apathetic.
A thought problem
Imagine you were a member of a secret organization whose sole agenda was to control the entire planet. If your plan was to accomplish this goal without being perceived by your intended victims, discretion would be paramount. Your organization would devise a series of historical events that, on the surface, would appear to be everyday, happenstance occurrences (natural disasters, man-made diseases, acts of murder, assassination, terror, manipulation of money and energy supplies, contamination of foods, pollution of natural resources, and war). The timing of these events would require patience, careful planning, cooperation from others in positions of trust, stealth and deceit. In essence, the whole mission must derive its power through deception and concealment and must have a master plan.
Who were the designers of this master plan? Follow along as we connect the dots.
The Master Plan:
Arrival of the Bankers
At the turn of the 20th century, a plan to slowly take over the government of the United States began to unfold. Many works have been written about the Nazi machine that instigated two world wars, though few have traced the footsteps of the foreign financiers and the actors we prefer to call “politicians.”
A brief glance at shipping records, passenger manifests, and financial transactions on Wall Street indicates a pattern of deception which was masterminded by this same machine. The level of cooperation from government agencies and their elected officials was not only disgraceful, but blatantly treasonous.
In his book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” [1] author G. Edward Griffin described the secret meetings which created the Federal Reserve in 1913. The architect of the plan, Paul M. Warburg, was a representative of the Rothschild banks in England and France and his brother Felix headed the Warburg banks in Germany and the Netherlands. Of significance is the fact that the first “official” media report about the Federal Reserve occurred three years later. In “Leslie’s Weekly,” [2] B.C. Forbes described the secret meeting between Republican Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and six of the most powerful bankers in the world. That this meeting had to be conducted in a secret, clandestine island location indicates the level of deception, concealment—and treason—at work.
Paul Warburg
That Paul Warburg, a German national, spoke English well enough to craft a financial document (a volume consisting of 1,750 pages) resulting in the Federal Reserve Act designed to control the finances of the United States (from Europe) was no small feat. Of particular interest was how Warburg was able to establish these important connections prior to his arrival in the U.S. in 1913 and then orchestrate this financial coup. Warburg had to have known his co-conspirators before coming to America.
The first official record of Paul Warburg’s trip to the U.S. appeared in the Kaiser Wilhelm II passenger manifest, upon arrival at Ellis Island, October 13, 1903. [3] The official manifest (on line 7) lists a “Mr. P. Warburg, age 35; Occupation: Banker; Nationality: American; Heritage: German; Last Residence: Hamburg; Final Destination: New York; Home: 3 E. 82nd St., New York.
In fact, Paul Warburg claimed he was an American in 1903. Was this claim valid in 1903?
Of special interest in this October 13, 1903 passenger manifest, is the fact that other prominent passengers in the elite financial community were also on the same passenger manifest. Harry Sachs (of Goldman Sachs fame) is listed as a passenger but, unlike Warburg, he was not required to declare his destination or his address. In fact, of the 30 passengers listed on page 293 of the Ellis Island database of ship and passenger arrivals, P. Warburg was the only passenger required to declare his destination.
Was this an attempt to establish Warburg’s nationality?
Suspiciously, the second half of the page is missing from the database, so we are not privileged with pertinent and “official” information as to his place of birth nor his physical description on this occasion. Future arrivals to the Port of New York would shed more light on these issues. The record keeping by the Immigration Office on October 13, 1903, was not merely sloppy. It appears that Warburg and other passengers were not scrutinized to the extent required by law and were assisted in entering the country with special, yet illegal considerations. Unlike earlier or later arrivals, immigration officers were permitted (or instructed) to be lax and obviously negligent, in their duties, particularly where destinations and birthplaces were of concern.
Warburg’s second arrival to the U.S. (on the SS Deutschland) was similar to his first. Though still a “U.S. citizen” in 1905, he was demoted to “merchant.” [4] However, on a third arrival in 1906, Warburg was, once again, a “banker.” His memory had failed him on this (third) trip, when he declared he had “never been to the U.S. previously.” Neither had his wife and two children, who had travelled with him on prior trips. He had also forgotten about his home in New York City, too, when he claimed he had no address in the United States. On this visit, Warburg declared “Hamburg, Germany” as his place of birth.
Incredibly, on a later visit to the U.S., Warburg claimed he was officially a “naturalized citizen,” citing the “Circuit Court of New York City, March 21, 1911” [5] as the place and date where he had been bestowed his citizenship. Despite Warburg’s earlier proclamations, he was not declared a U.S. citizen until that time. Warburg thereby committed perjury, which was overlooked on numerous occasions by the Immigration Service officials, seemingly an act of treason on each occurrence. During subsequent visits to the U.S. in 1910, 1912 and 1913, while again proclaiming his U.S. citizenship, Warburg referred to 17 E. 80th St., New York as his home address. Not once was there any mention of his association with the Rothschild banks in Paris and London, and his permanent residency in Europe, not in America. Why the deception?
James Loeb
Not to be outdone, James Loeb, a partner in the Kuhn, Loeb & Company banking firm in New York City, traveled with Warburg on October 13, 1903. Loeb declared his U.S. citizenship on this trip, though he apparently suffered from amnesia in 1910, neglecting to declare any country of origin and later, in 1912, declaring to the U.S. Immigration Service that his birthplace was “Landsberg, Germany,” [6] a small town west of Munich.
Loeb also indicated (trip on this) that he was staying “with Mr. Warburg.”
Amnesia must have been a disease that plagued most German bankers at the turn of the century. The disease didn’t stop there and soon spread to institutes of higher education. Harvard University Press published a memorial biography to the founder of the Loeb Classical Library, bequeathed to Harvard University by none other than James Loeb, one year after his death in 1933. “James Loeb was born August 6, 1867, in New York City, the son of Solomon and Betty (Goldberg) Loeb. Solomon was a partner and founder of the banking firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Company,” the tribute began. [7]
Certainly, Harvard University would have known where Loeb was born and, for that matter, so would have Loeb. If this quotation were true, then what would have caused Loeb to state (to the INS) in 1912 that he was born in “Landsberg, Germany?”
The Harvard Press biography did little to legitimize the matter of Loeb’s birthplace, though it was a valiant attempt.
Still, if there remained any confusion, the U.S. Immigration Service could have clarified the issue based on the information it had acquired in 1903 and again in 1910. But that was not the agency’s intention. The Immigration and Naturalization Service agents were complicit in hiding James Loeb’s true birthplace and his association with financiers of the future German Nazi Party, an act which was aided and abetted by the sloppy, incomplete immigration records kept at Ellis Island and the Port of New York. That was part of the deception. Yes, he lived and worked in New York and may have attended Harvard University. But, considering the connections Kuhn, Loeb & Company had to the banks that supported the Nazis through money-laundering activities until getting caught in 1942, it was most likely that Loeb (like Warburg) had been groomed for his role in order to maintain the founders’ (of this “master plan”) “bloodline.”
There were other inconsistencies in the Harvard Press biography, again, based upon the above-mentioned records. “In the winter of 1891 a severe illness (possibly depression) obliged him to give up business and he spent the summer traveling in Scandinavia, returning to banking again only until January 1, 1902, when he retired due to renewed health problems” [Amnesia?].
James Loeb could not have traveled and returned to the United States during 1892, unless he had swum upon his return trip. The first of his three voyages to Ellis Island (from Europe on the Kaiser Wilhelm II) arrived on October 13, 1903, as previously mentioned. It was unlikely he would have returned to any port of entry other than New York, unless he had arrived at some other secret location. And there were no transatlantic airline flights in 1903. The Harvard story had to have been a fabrication intended to hide some dark secret.
Considering the sizable endowments Loeb lavished upon Harvard and other notable educational, medical, and art institutions in Boston and New York, it was most advantageous for Harvard to portray Loeb as a philanthropist and victim of “depression” (hardly fit for a transatlantic swim), than as a German banker whose father’s company supported the “master planners’” war machine before and during two world wars.
According to further reminiscent accounts, “He retired to a quieter place, his farm at Shrewsbury, New Jersey, moving to Germany in 1905, where he stayed (except for a period during World War I) until his death in 1933.”
Evidently, Harvard was unaware of two more trips (documented by the Federal Government) that Loeb made to New York in 1910, and again in 1912. It was no coincidence that Loeb’s return trips to the U.S. (as an on-again, off-again U.S. citizen) were orchestrated to accommodate Paul Warburg’s meetings with Wall Street bankers of German persuasion, as they plotted to create the Federal Reserve System, a foreign entity.
“On graduation, he received an offer through his teacher and friend Charles Eliot Norton to study Egyptology in Paris and London.”
Norton was the “appointed professor of history of art at Harvard University,” “from 1856 to 1874 Norton spent much time in travel and residence on the continent of Europe and in England,” and was the first president of the Archaeological Institute of America (1879-1890),” according to his biography at [8] It would seem that Egypt was a more suitable location for studying Egyptology than Paris and London, where Paul Warburg managed the Rothschild banks.
Loeb died in Munich in 1933, lending belated credence to his 1912 assertion, to the INS, that he was “born in Landsberg, Germany” and was a “German citizen” — “never having previously been in America.”
Nikola Tesla
Despite conflicting literary and historical accounts, Nikola Tesla, a Serb, was born on July 10, 1856, in Smilja, Lika province, or what is now modern-day Croatia. Prior to World War I, Smilja was on the border of the Austro-Hungarian empire so, in effect, Tesla was a citizen of Austrian origin.
The son of a Serbian Orthodox priest who rose to the rank of Archbishop, Tesla had the opportunity to study a variety of topics contained in his father’s personal library. As a young boy, he accompanied his father on trips to Rome, where he was able to study the lesser-known works stored in the Vatican’s vast scientific repository.
Upon completing his studies in engineering and physics at the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria, Tesla attended the University at Prague. He demonstrated, early on, an innate ability to solve mechanical and scientific problems, especially in the area of electricity and its applications in power production. After working for Edison Telephone Company subsidiaries in Budapest, Paris, and other cities throughout Europe, Nikola Tesla went to America, to meet the man whose company gave him his first job, Thomas Edison.
Tesla found it difficult to work for Edison (due to Edison’s reneging on financial promises), but soon found backers to finance his research and development projects and his new inventions. Financiers, such as John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan, George Westinghouse and John Jacob Astor were among those who saw the potential in Tesla’s pioneering, entrepreneurial spirit to capitalize on his technological discoveries in electricity, wireless communications, and physics.
The only official documentation of Nikola Tesla’s arrival to the United States was, again, produced at the Port of New York. [9] On April 7, 1882 a 25-year old Tesla arrived via the SS Nordland, which departed from Antwerp. He had returned, on this trip to the U.S., after lecturing in Paris. Tesla’s destination: New York. Tesla immigrated as a “laborer,” though this label hardly befit the man who would become the most prolific inventor in history, with some 700 technological patents to his credit.
Previous accounts of Tesla’s association with Thomas Edison’s projects place him in the United States in the 1870s. His many technological discoveries were certain to have drawn the attention of those hungry for world domination and superiority. By and large, Tesla’s inventions and his career were excluded from our history books because his inventions and patents were stolen and then weaponized. It was never intended for us to learn about the suppression of Tesla’s advanced scientific discoveries, nor about those who profited from their theft—the orchestrators of the master plan.
Though much has been written about Tesla’s successes and failures, few have detailed the behind-the-scenes financial activities which disclose a Nazi plot to acquire his technology, while research and development costs had largely been paid (unknowingly) by U.S. taxpayers. Many of Tesla’s patents fell into Nazi hands prior to and during World Wars I and II. As a result, Tesla continuously found himself in litigation over patent rights and other issues.
Although he had succeeded in winning the majority of his patent lawsuits, his technology had been repeatedly stolen and sold to the German Nazis and other foreign governments, so he never achieved the financial success he deserved. The embezzlement of his capitalization went unchecked throughout Tesla’s career. At the time of his death (by murder, according to Skorzeny) on January 6, 1943, Tesla died virtually penniless.
Tesla’s Assistant,
George H. Scherff, Sr.
Nikola Tesla’s successes in discovering new technologies did not go unnoticed by many industrial capitalists and world governments. In fact, many of his inventions were developed through secret government programs which began soon after his discoveries in alternating current (AC), electromagnetic energy, electric motors, generators, coils, radio transmission, energy-saving devices, and wireless transmission technologies.
Since Tesla was often buried deep in research at remote labs, many of his financial and legal affairs were supervised by his closest associate, George H. Scherff. Scherff often advised Tesla about pending patent litigation, contracts, proposals, demonstrations, and financial affairs. As any trusty associate would, Scherff stood beside Tesla through all the ups and downs of his financial nightmares, sometimes arranging for extended credit at the Waldorf-Astoria, where Tesla often resided, or by obtaining a cash advance toward research he had been contracted to perform. Near the end of his career, Tesla was evicted from the Waldorf for an outstanding bill which exceeded $20,000 — a rather large sum for those days.
As Tesla worked on secret U.S. government projects at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Scherff communicated to Tesla the status of his business affairs. Tesla spoke of hopeful, future financial successes, though Scherff repeatedly delivered the news of dwindling funds. Tesla had begun construction of a wireless power transmission tower (“Wardenclyffe,” Shoreham, Long Island) with funds invested by J.P. Morgan. When Morgan discovered that the tower would transmit free electricity and radio waves, he cancelled the project and had the tower dismantled, then sold for scrap. Morgan was not about to allow Americans to receive free electricity, television and radio. Tesla was devastated when he received the news, but continued on with his new inventions.
Some 12 years later, on October 14, 1918, Scherff wrote to Tesla at Colorado Springs. The correspondence focused on the usual disclosure of pending legal issues and attorney matters and was sent to Tesla on Tesla Company letterhead containing the company’s headquarters address at 8 W. 40th Street, New York, NY. [10] On October 15, 1918, (the next day) Tesla responded to Scherff’s letter (it seems impossible regarding our understanding of the technology available at the time, but these are the dates attached to the correspondence).
An interesting anomaly: Tesla’s response was addressed to “George Scherff, Esq.,” Union Sulphur Co., 17 Battery Pl., New York, NY (Union Sulphur Company?). [11] This address was not the location of the Nikola Tesla Company.
The Rockefeller Connection
Records show that 17 Battery Place is the Whitehall Building and was owned by Frank Rockefeller, who, with his brothers William and John D., also owned many of the companies with offices located there. The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) had its world headquarters there, as well as a variety of oil, mining, and chemical companies. [12] Though Union Sulphur Company was run by its president, Herman Frasch, a German chemist who patented extraction methods for sulphur and petroleum, Frasch also worked for John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company (in New York, New Jersey, and Cleveland, Ohio), developing similar extraction methods.
On the basis of this association, George Scherff, Sr., had connections with the Rockefeller family, though it is unclear if Tesla was at all aware of this connection.
Frank Rockefeller was also an investor of Buckeye Steel Castings in Columbus, Ohio. Buckeye manufactured automatic couplers and chassis for railroad cars owned by the Harrimans, the Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgan. Eventually, Samuel P. Bush was promoted from general manager to president of the company after producing gigantic profits.
Samuel P. Bush’s association with the Rockefellers and his subsequent position as Director of the War Industries Board afforded him the opportunity to create contracts with Remington Arms during the war, courtesy of Percy Rockefeller.
Nikola Tesla’s trusted assistant (sometimes referred to as “accountant” or “secretary”) George Scherff, Sr., worked at Union Sulphur Company. Normally, this association would not set off alarms, considering the state of Tesla’s affairs. Scherff had every right to earn a decent living in order to support his family. That was “the American Way.” But a careful examination of Union Sulphur Co. might reveal that someone was being deceived — Tesla, and Scherff was at the root of this deception.
Who was George Scherff?
Who was George Scherff? Better yet, who was George H. Scherff, Sr.? There exists no legitimate record of a George H. Scherff being born in the U.S. from the late-1800s through 1925, yet, George Scherff was Nikola Tesla’s assistant/accountant. If he was born in Germany, could his birthplace shed some light on this mystery? Probably—if they exist (it has become apparent that individuals associated with the Nazi Party commonly have all or parts of their genealogical records expunged—we will explore this further in the section of this article dealing with the “Bush” family tree).
Otto Skorzeny: S.S./ODESSA/CIA master spy and assassin
Friends and acquaintances of Nikola Tesla recall him complaining about Scherff’s son, George, Jr., always snooping around Tesla’s lab. On more than one occasion (probably during the late 1930s), Tesla caught the 14-year old Scherff looking at his notes, poring through his books, and stealing small items from his lab. Tesla gave him the nickname, “Curious George” and likened him to a “mischievous monkey.” According to Skorzeny, (Adolph Hitler’s former bodyguard) in a deathbed confession to Eric “Orion” (Eric Berman) in S. Miami, Florida, Tesla, “hated the younger Scherff.” In fact, according to Skorzeny, the “Curious George” book and movie were inspired by Tesla’ s suggestion.
Curiously, the day before the national theatrical release of the Hollywood production of the Curious George feature length film, Alan Shalleck, the originator of Curious George (and the man in the Yellow hat), was found murdered under a pile of plastic garbage bags in his driveway in Florida at age 76. [13]
In short, Otto Skorzeny claimed that the true identity of George H.W. Bush was “George H. Scherff, Jr., the son of Nikola Tesla’s illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant, George H. Scherff, Sr.”
The unmistakable Otto Skorzeny with Adolph Hitler.
Worth a thousand words: But this was not the only bombshell Otto Skorzeny delivered that day in late-1999. Skorzeny, producing a shoe box full of 60-years worth of his personal photographs, showed them to Berman, describing each one in great detail. The collection featured a photo of a young, majestic Skorzeny in full S.S. Nazi military dress, next to his Führer, Adolph Hitler. Then there were photos of Reinhard Gehlen (S.S. spy and assassin) Dr. Joseph Mengele (the “Angel of Death”) Martin Bormann (Hitler aide and S.S. assassin) and Adolph Hitler (photographed in 1997 at age 107).
The Hitler photo was taken during a “reunion” at the Lake McDonald Lodge in Glacier National Park, Montana, on August 27, 1997. According to Skorzeny, Adolph Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Skorzeny did not stop there. He produced a photo of a young Skorzeny, Mengele, Bormann, and the family of George H. Scherff, Sr.. Seated in the midst of those in the photo was a young George H. Scherff, Jr., who, Skorzeny explained, was trained as a spy and sent to America to work for Adolph Hitler. “He was given false identification and adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his “son,” George Herbert Walker Bush,” Skorzeny went on. “He forged a birth certificate in order to enter the military before he turned 18. He was 16 at the time.”
In the family photo, a young Scherff and Bormann both sported a German Navy uniform. Scherff later enlisted in the U.S. Navy as “George H.W. Bush.”
In even greater detail, Otto Skorzeny described how (“contrary to the CIA-written history books”) he helped Hitler escape to Austria in a plane flown by a female pilot, Hanna Reitsch. “Hitler did not commit suicide,” Skorzeny recounted. “His double was shot between the eyes, and the dental records proved he was not Hitler. The Americans kept it a secret, worried the truth might anger the Russians.”
Eric “Orion” (Berman), in a live radio interview on Republic Broadcasting Network, January 17, 2006, [14] detailed how “Skorzeny died on December 31, 1999. His body was cremated, I have a copy of his death certificate, and I saw his ashes. After the war, he helped George Bush found the CIA through Operation Paperclip and ODESSA.”
Berman recounted how Skorzeny was found “not guilty” at the Nuremburg trials, and then ushered into the CIA. “Some 50,000+ S.S. Nazi war criminals, not just rocket scientists, were brought to America after the war.”
Skorzeny, about age 90 at the time, was described by Berman as “very focused and very lucid, and he was still very mobile. He was still able to walk around—he was still very impressive and he had about the biggest hands I have ever shaken. He was 6’-4”and was a giant for his day. He towered over me, and I’m 5’-8”.”
When asked why he thought Skorzeny entrusted this information to him, Berman responded, “I was dating one of his daughters. He knew that I’m Jewish, first of all, I’m an honest guy and he thought that I would really try to do something about this and bring some justice, yeah, to these wanted Nazi war criminals. His whole goal was.... they had screwed him over, including George Bush, they screwed him over..... and out of large sums of money over the years. This was his one last way of... you know, getting even with them.”
A biographical article about Nikola Tesla appeared in the Tesla Tech, Inc. magazine, “Extraordinary Technology,” Volume 4, Number 3, Aug., Sept., Oct., 2006. [15] The article, written by Dustin Wallace, spoke of Tesla’s childhood, some of his inventions, and his last days. Wallace wrote (pp. 21-22), “The Yugoslav Monarchy in Exile was summoned to visit Tesla in the fall of 1942. However, Charlotte Muzar, a secretary, paid Tesla the visit. From his condition upon her arrival she felt as though he may not live through the night. Another friend of Tesla’s, Kenneth Swezey visited him during the time and noted that he was existing on warm milk and Nabisco crackers alone. It was apparent that Tesla was nearing the end of his time. By late December of 1942, Tesla began meeting with two U.S. government agents in order to share some of his most sensitive discoveries. These men carried away many of his documents for microfilming.”
“On January 4, 1943, Tesla’s faithful assistant, George Scherff, visited Tesla for the last time, Tesla was found deceased in his hotel room on the morning of January 8. 1943. He had passed away between those four days since Scherff’s visit.”
The article continued, “Following Tesla’s death the United States Office of Alien Property, under the instructions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, confiscated all of Tesla’s papers and property. This was an interesting maneuver considering that Tesla was a United States citizen.”
The significance of this benign description of Tesla’s inventions and his last days has a direct relationship to the previously unknown claims of Otto Skorzeny. As Skorzeny described (to Berman) in detail his involvement with George H. W. Bush (George H. Scherff, Jr.) in organizing the CIA by absorbing Nazi S.S. agents,” he intimated that it was Reinhard Gehlen and himself who murdered Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943 by strangulation/suffocation.
Prior to the murder, Skorzeny and Gehlen “spoke in great detail to Tesla about his most-advanced technologies and then stole the blueprints of his best, most-secret inventions.”
Were these the “two U.S. government agents” about whom Dustin Wallace wrote? The timing of George Scherff’s last visit to Nikola Tesla was suspicious, as well.
Skorzeny did not stop with these soul-cleansing disclosures. He went on to describe the aliases of himself Frank Edward P_ _ _ _ _, of south Florida (according to Berman, who claims he is trying to protect Skorzeny’s daughter), Reinhard Gehlen (Hank Janowicz, Wayne, N.J.), and Dr. Joseph Mengele (Steven Rabel). According to Berman, “Gehlen was tipped off by the FBI about Skorzeny’s unveiling of his identity and location, and Gehlen (Janowicz) then went into hiding. Mengele (Rabel), through a series of anti-aging hormone injections, a black hairpiece, and ‘cannibalism’ has maintained a youthful appearance.”
Having investigated some of Skorzeny’s claims, Berman had contacted the U.S. Justice Department to inform them that Nazi spies were being harbored by certain factions of the U.S. intelligence agencies, in particular, the CIA. “My thoughts were that, uh, I needed to try to bring these wanted SS Nazi war criminal, holocaust killers—terrorists, basically—to justice. I wanted to call our government and tell ‘em, ‘Hey, that they’re still alive.’ I wanted to bring ‘em to justice. That was my whole intention. I initially had contacted, or tried to contact Eli Rosenbaum, who was the Director of the United States Justice Department, Office of Special Investigations. Basically, they, uh, thought it was a hoax and they told me that I was mistaken, and that according to the CIA, ‘all of them were all dead and I was mistaken.’ That’s what they told me. I was wrong.
“Later that night, I was over at, uh, Skorzeny’s house, and his widow received a phone call that turned her white, and she almost passed out. Basically, someone from the OSI tipped her off that I had contacted them... and that I had known about them. Later that night, when I was comin’ back home, uh, a car pulled up behind me, flashing his lights, wanting me to pull over. So I pulled over—I knew somethin’ was probably goin’ on, so I was ready, and somebody walked right next to me—it looked like he had a gun in his hand, possibly, so I sped away. All right, uh, my girlfriend was in the car at the time, all right, and I sped through three lanes of traffic and went into a local shopping center, and he pulled in right behind me—and he gave me a dirty look—then he pulled a couple feet away, then he drove off. But, uh, I’m sure they tried to put a hit out on me. That’s what it was.”
Berman then confirmed the girlfriend was Skorzeny’s daughter and added, “She, uh, she didn’t know that I knew... she didn’t know that her father had told me all this. That’s why we’re no longer goin’ out. She broke up with me when the government tipped her off that I wrote a book about her family.”
In order to authenticate the above revelations, the author began conducting his own research into the alias of Otto Skorzeny. The first detail, considering Berman’s “cryptic clue” of Skorzeny’s CIA name, was to determine the variety of names that begin with the letter “P” — Palmer, Parson, Paskel, Peller, Porter, Powell, etc., settling on “Powell” as the most-likely possibility. Then, there was the distinct possibility that Skorzeny (for the purpose of protecting his wife and children) slightly misled Berman about his “official” alias, by reversing his first and middle names.
An exhaustive search revealed an interesting twist. Since Skorzeny had children, he likely had a wife. In fact, he did have a wife and left a trail (though worn out by time), that might shed some light on the master plan (this issue is discussed later).
Further research about the life of Otto Skorzeny, “master spy,” reveals his little-known affair with Eva (Evita) Marie Duarte de Peron, wife of Argentina’s President, Juan Domingo Peron. Gold which was stolen by the Nazis (laundered by Swiss banks and the Vatican, then smuggled to Argentina by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris) had accrued enormous interest after World War II, and upon her death, Eva Peron bequeathed Skorzeny $100 million, which ultimately fell into the hands of the CIA. The Nazi-CIA connection to the money was obvious. Based upon Skorzeny’s claims, this money probably fell into the hands of George H.W. Bush and his “handlers.”
George H. Scherff, Jr., visits the FBI
Upon the untimely death of Nikola Tesla, perhaps the world’s most renowned scientist in history, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, received an unexpected visit from George H. Scherff, Jr. That George Scherff, Sr., Tesla’s trusted associate, chose to send his teenage son to visit the FBI’s notorious director should have raised a red flag, which it probably did among intelligence agencies. Scherff, Jr., explained to Hoover that he had worked for Tesla and was entitled to his papers and other effects. He also expressed concern that “a foreign government might also be interested in his inventions.” [16]
Scherff, Jr., also gave Hoover an address, “149 Secord (sic) Rd., New Rochelle, New York” [“Seacord” is the correct spelling].
FOIA file on “subject, Nikola Tesla”: “Mr. George H. Scherff Jr. advised that he had received two letters... Mr. Scherff stated that he was an associate of Nikola Tesla in 1914 and that for many years, his father had been Dr. Tesla’s private secretary. Mr. Scherff said that he had never heard of Leland J. Anderson nor any of the names mentioned in Anderson’s letter” (Anderson had written to the Scherff household seeking information about Tesla’s writings. He was working on a thesis for school and had been seeking information from Tesla’s associates and communications).
(February 3, 1954) “Mr. Scherff stated that he has quite a bit of Tesla’s writings in his possession and he didn’t know whether or not they would be of value to a foreign government.”
There are several glaring discrepancies and inconsistencies in George H. Scherff, Jr.’s statements to the FBI (or the actual intent of the document). The author conducted his own research into the background of George H. Scherff, Sr., and, from all indications, concludes that George H. Scherff, Jr., could not have worked for Nikola Tesla in 1914. Scherff, Jr. wasn’t even alive in 1914, so he could not have “worked for him” then or at any other time (based upon the numerous accounts about “Curious George,” Tesla could not even tolerate him being around his laboratory). It is highly unlikely that Tesla would have hired (or did hire) him. Other than a book written by John J. O’Neill, ‘Prodigal Genius, The Life of Nikola Tesla’ in 1944, this was also the only known reference to Tesla having a secretary named “George H. Scherff.” [17]
For the greater part of his career, Tesla’s secretary was Dorothy F. Skerritt. Both Skerritt and Muriel Arbus worked for him at the time of his retirement, which was forced due to dwindling funds. The acknowledgments at the end of the book describe George H. Scherff as a “business associate,” and there is no mention whatsoever of George H. Scherff, Jr. ever having worked for Tesla.
So why did Scherff, Jr., lie to the FBI? Because it was dangerous for him to tell Hoover the truth about the real identities of his father and himself. Why would George H. Scherff, Sr. send his teen-age son to seek papers and other records (belonging to Tesla) from the FBI and not do it himself? Because the Director of the FBI, Herbert J. Hoover, would have recognized him as someone other than George H. Scherff, Sr. In fact, it is highly plausible that the individual who spoke to the FBI was not a Scherff and was a stand in.
There also remains the most-likely possibility that the Scherff interview was nothing more than a ruse, created by the FBI for the purpose of obfuscating the facts around the government’s involvement in the murder of Nikola Tesla, the theft of and covert infringement on his patents, and the money laundering that ensued between a few Wall Street banks and Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Party. Anyone interviewing George H. Scherff, Jr., would have easily recognized that he was not old enough “to have worked for Nikola Tesla in 1914.”
Redacted statements in the above-referenced FOIA files indicate something was being covered up. The “Scherff” documents were created to thwart the research efforts of Leland J. Anderson, hide the facts behind Tesla’s murder, and dispel any speculation that the FBI stole Tesla’s records, research documents and new technologies.
In 1942, less than a year prior to Tesla’s untimely death, it was already known that principles at New York’s Union Banking Corporation had been caught “Trading with the Enemy,” Nazi Germany. Among the principals was George Herbert Walker, Prescott Sheldon Bush, “son” of industrialist Samuel Prescott Bush, who was president of Buckeye Steel Castings in Columbus, Ohio and the director of the Facilities Division of the War Industries Board. The WIB gave Samuel P. Bush unprecedented ties to the Eastern elite families through its association with one of the largest weapons manufacturers, Remington Arms. Buckeye Steel Castings supplied the railroad industry, controlled by the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, and J.P. Morgan with coupling parts and chassis for their tankers and railcars.
Behind the scenes, Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman secretly influenced (or controlled) the activities of key intelligence agencies in the U.S., thus, affording the Vatican the opportunity to suppress potentially damaging information from reaching the public. Spellman and Hoover served the same “master,” though it was not the U.S. government. Upon the revelations of the New York / Nazi money laundering and war profiteering, records in the National Archives, in particular those related to Samuel P. Bush, were destroyed “in order to save space.” Most likely, those records exposed multiple, covert relationships in a conspiracy of monumental proportions.
Tesla with King Peter II of Yugoslavia at the Hotel New Yorker July 15, 1942. It is strange that Tesla, one of the most brilliant inventors ever, would die penniless and his “trusted assistant", according to Otto Skorzeny and some strangely corroborating records, was “George H. Scherff, Sr.” Tesla died January 6, 1943. (See photo at right)
References, Part 1:
1) "The Creature from Jeckyll Island," G. H. Griffin
2) "Leslie's Weekly, B.C Forbes
3), P. Warburg, passenger record / manifest
4), Paul M. Warburg, passenger record / manifest
5), Paul Warburg, passenger record / manifest
6), James Loeb, passenger record / manifest
7) Harvard University Press, Loeb Classic Library, "Our Founder"
8), Charles Eliot Norton
9), Nikola Tesla, passenger record / manifest
10) Photocopy of The Tesla Company document sent by Scherff to Tesla in Colorado
11) Photocopy of reply to George Scherff , Union Sulphur Co., New York, NY
13), numerous Internet news reports
14), The Investigative Journal show archives, 01-17-2006
15) “Extraordinary Technology,” Volume 4, Number 3, Aug.-Oct., 2006, pp. 21-22
16) FOIA / J. Edgar Hoover, FBI files on subject: Nikola Tesla
17) "Prodigal Genius, The Life of Nikola Tesla," John J. O'Neil, 1944
Part 2: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was 41st U.S. president
Why did the most brilliant scientist in history die penniless with his inventions benefiting megalo-maniacal governments and ruthless organized criminals? Why are the world’s most profitable businesses oil, chemicals, war, pharmaceuticals, “illegal” drugs, human slavery and prostitution? Why do “democratic” governments rule their people with oppressive, police-state tactics? Why do these “democracies” poison the food, the water, the air and the land; why do they tax and regulate their people into slavery?
It is simple to understand when you put these questions into human terms. We know how people occupy niches in our own circles of influence; how we all try to maximize our opportunities within a given set of circumstances—and how some can be depended upon to lie, cheat and/or steal their way into success within an operating framework.
Look at the Bush and Walker families' lineage on this page and keep it in your mind as you read through and internalize this part of the story—the story of why America is ailing, how she became ill and who poisoned her. The relationships are (intentionally?) complex and difficult to decipher, so we have attempted to reduce them to workable symbols as if parts of equations. When we come out the other side of this article, we should have no question in our minds as to which “families” have been most influential in the preplanned destruction of America and her once-free people.
By Don Nicoloff
Note to readers: In an effort to minimize the patterns of chronological and geneological confusion that define the “Bush” family history, we have developed a "guide" to chart the relationships, have reduced the names to more easily recognized symbols (their initials) and attached them to overviews highlighting their relevant qualities. It should also be noted that for those people who have two identities, they are symbolized as both, with the initials in boldface to indicate the identity being described. We suggest that you first digest the “personality key.” Once you have a working knowledge of the “players,” you will be ready to begin reading this article with the greatest possibility of making the connections suggested therein. We also suggest that you refer to the personality key as often as necessary.
The “Bushes”
1. ONB (Obadiah Newcomb Bush)
2. JSB (James Smith Bush)
3. SPB (Samuel P. Bush)
(George H. Scherf(f), Sr./
Prescott Sheldon Bush)
(George H. Scherf(f), Jr./
George Herbert Walker Bush)
5a. BPB (Barbara Pierce Bush)
Bush personality key
1. ONB - To give any consideration to the possibility of this person being related, at all to those who came here to destroy the United States is not only a waste of time, it is absurd. Once again, another “ancestor” conveniently died “at sea.” This story is not even clever propaganda.
2. JSB - b. 15 June, 1825, Rochester, NY, d. 11 Nov. 1889, Ithaca, NY / Marriage: 24 Feb. 1859, to Harriet Eleanor Fay, Trinity Church, New York, NY (Episcopalian minister who converted to Unitarian - a fact ignored by heirs.) Was rector at Grace Church, not “Brick Church.” Also attorney.
Harriet Eleanor Fay - b. 27 Feb., 1829, Savannah, GA, d. 29 Oct. 1924, Boston, MA
3. SPB - b. 4 Oct., 1863, Brick Church, NJ (Wrong: Brick Church is not a city or town in NJ) Most likely emigrated from Germany as industrial spy / operative., d. 8 Feb. 1948, Columbus, OH / Marriage: 27 Jun. 1894, Columbus, OH to Flora Sheldon (Appeared to escape all censuses except 1930, thus avoiding detection by Census Bureau).
Flora Sheldon - b. 17 March, 1872, Franklin Cty., OH, d. 4 Sep. 1920, Watch Hill, RI (struck by automobile).
4. GHS1/PSB - b. 15 May 1895, Columbus, OH (Wrong), d. 8 Oct., 1972, New York, NY, (Emigrated to U.S. as George Scherff, “assistant to Nikola Tesla”) / Marriage: 6 Sept., 1921, Kennebunkport, ME to Dorothy Walker (German birth records expunged.) Consistently misstated father’s birthplace, citing NY and MA. Major role in “Trading with the Enemy” conspiracy in 1940’s.
Dorothy Walker - b. 1 July, 1901, Walker’s Point, ME, d. 19 Nov., 1992, Greenwich, CT.
5. GHS2/GHWB - b. 12 June, 1924, Milton, MA (Wrong: Forged birth certificate to enlist in U.S. Navy). Emigrated from Germany covertly to U.S. as George Scherff, Jr., son of Nikola Tesla’s assistant, George Scherff, Sr., as spy for Adolph Hitler. (German birth records expunged). Marriage: 6 Jan., 1945 to “Barbara Pierce.”
5a. BPB- b. 8 June, 1925, Rye, NY (Wrong: Based upon 1930 Census, she was 4 yrs., 2 mos. old. Correct age was 5 years, 2 mos.). Most likely emigrated from Germany, since no birth record exists in U.S. Likely “borrowed” name from the daughter of William Brown Pierce and Isabel Ayres who died on unknown date and at unknown place. Married to George H. Scherf, Jr. aka George H.W. Bush. Her parents, “Marvin and Pauline Pierce,” had no children, according to Her “grandmother,” Kate P. Pierce, emigrated from Bavaria, Germany.
The “Walkers”
1. TWI (Thomas Walker I)
2. CTWII (Captain Thomas Walker II)
3. TWIII (Thomas Walker III)
4. GEW (George E. Walker)
5. DDW (David “Davis” Walker)
6. GHW (George Herbert Walker)
7. DW (Dorothy Walker)
Walker personality key
1. TWI - No DOB, no birthplace, no date of marriage, and no parents. Married to
Catharine (No maiden name, no DOB, no birthplace, no date of marriage).
2. CTWII - b. England (No DOB, no town) Christened: 02 Aug., 1758 Holy Trinity, Gosport, Hampshire, England Died: “At sea about 1797.”
Catherine McLelland - b. England (No DOB, no town). Marriage: 22 Feb., 1785, St. Andrew’s Church, Clifton, England / d. 18 Oct., 1806, Philadelphia, PA.
3. TWIII - The “unmentioned" son of Captain Thomas and Catherine Walker - b. 14 Oct., 1787, (no town), England /d. 18 Jun., 1870, Tazewell, IL, buried at Bloomington, IL.
4. GEW - b. “Burlington, NJ or MD circa. 1797,” d. 28 Oct., 1864, Bloomington, IL, brother of Thomas Walker III.
Harriet Mercer - b. “about” 1802, MD, d. 24 Oct., 1869, Bloomington, IL, Marriage: 22 May, 1821, Baltimore, MD.
5. DDW - son of George E. and Harriet Walker. b. 19 Jan., 1840, Leeds, England. (Not “on a farm near Bloomington, IL” and not in MO as stated to the Census.) d. 4 Oct., 1918, Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, ME.
Martha Adela Beaky - b. 1 Jun., 1841, Emmitsburg, MD, d. “after 1906.” Marriage: 25 Dec., 1862. Her father, Joseph Ambrose Beaky, “died in the Mississippi River” on 27 Jan. 1858)
6. GHW - b. 11 Jun. 1875, Leeds, England (Not in 1874 in St. Louis, MO as claimed to Census), d. 24 Jun., 1953, New York, NY. Father, D.D. Walker, “born in MO, MD, and MO” in three consecutive Censuses; not in Bloomington, IL, as claimed in biographies.
Lucretia Wear - b. 17 Sept., 1874, St. Louis, MO, d. 28 Aug., 1961, Biddeford, ME / Marriage: 17 Jan., 1899.
7. DW - daughter of George and Lucretia Walker. b. 1 July, 1901, Walker’s Point, ME, d. 19 Nov., 1992, Greenwich, CT. Marriage: 6 Sept., 1921, Kennebunkport, ME, to “Prescott Sheldon Bush” (GHS1/PSB).
Prescott Sheldon Bush
According to the CIA-written history books and cleverly-crafted political stories, Prescott Sheldon Bush was born on May 15, 1895, in Columbus, Ohio. Ironically, genealogical profiles by some independent researchers and relatives cite his birthdate as “March 12 or 13.”
Certainly, those tracing the Bushes’ roots and family history would have gotten it right. It would also seem that the son of such a prominent industrialist (with powerful political connections in Washington, D.C.) would have been given a birth certificate, clearing up this discrepancy once and for all.
The Bush family “history” claims that the young Prescott “attended the Douglas School,” also in Columbus, Ohio. The problem with this claim is that there was no Douglas School in Columbus in 1900, nor for most of the 20th century.
So we now have two disputable claims entered in the history books and current genealogical records: Prescott Bush’s date and place of birth and his schooling in Ohio.
Bush’s family biography then describes his “enrollment at St. Georges School,” a co-ed, Episcopalian prep school near Newport, Rhode Island, from 1908-1913. How he was able to “transfer” to this prestigious school for the wealthy (after attending a school that never existed) leaves room for much speculation. It is unclear how many grade levels the school accommodated only 12 years after its founding in 1896, though today it operates as a high school-level institution, offering courses from grades 9-12.
A recent posting on the St. George’s official web site boasted that the “grandfather of our 43rd President” was an alumnus of the school, as if that were to lend further credibility to the Bush school myth. [18]
Today, the school offers a matriculation program with ties to 57 colleges and universities.
Prescott Bush’s numerous biographies mention his graduation from Yale University in 1917, though there is no mention of a degree. Before his graduation from Yale, yet another anomaly appears—his enlistment into the Connecticut National Guard in 1916.
The conflicting dates do not end there. While on a tour of duty in the U.S. Army from 1917-1919, Bush is credited, on August 8, 1918, with “deflecting an incoming shell with a bolo knife” and saving the lives of three allied leaders. As a result for his bravery, he “received the Cross of the Legion of Honor (from France), the Victorian Cross (from England) and the Distinguished Medal of Honor (from the U.S." Upon his return to Columbus, Ohio, in mid-1919, Bush found it difficult to explain away the concocted “war hero” story (another anomaly) and “moved to St. Louis.” [19]
Still, another story surfaced regarding Prescott Bush’s whereabouts during 1918. Having been initiated into Yale University’s secret Skull and Bones Society (some say in 1916, others claim it was in 1917), Prescott Sheldon Bush is credited with the grave robbery of the skull of Geronimo, from a graveyard near Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Though this story may only be another myth, by now it has become quite difficult to distinguish PSB biographical fact from fiction. The overlapping timelines of these stories are enough to raise a few valid questions:
• Where and to whom was Prescott Sheldon Bush born?
• Why are there no official records of this monumental event?
• Where and when did he attend school?
• Where are his military records kept, or have they been conveniently “burned to create space in the National Archives” along with his father’s wartime business records?
Biographical accounts about Samuel P. Bush (SPB; Prescott’s father) claim that he was born at “Brick Church, New Jersey.” [20] This information is supported by federal census declarations made by SPB himself. Fortunately, (for those who still seek the truth), there are two more records that show the flagrant deception (concealment) practiced by PSB.
The 1920 U.S. Federal Decennial Census, taken in St. Louis, Missouri, documents a “Prescott S. Bush, age 24, general manager of a hardware company.” Biographical accounts describe GSH1/PSB’s position as a “warehouse clerk” and not as a “general manager of a hardware store”. GSH1/PSB stated that his father’s place of birth was “New York.” [21]
The 1930 U.S. Federal Decennial Census documented the family of “Prescott S. Bush, age 34.” When asked where his father was born, he replied, “Massachusetts.” [22]
Even the Federal government’s own Census Bureau failed to recognize this inconsistency. How is it that a 24-year-old Yale University graduate (then again a decade later as a 34-year-old banker in New York City) could be so confused about his father’s birthplace?
If SPB was not PSB’s real father, that would explain everything. Nevertheless, the two statements appear to be blatant lies, not innocent mistakes. The Bush family biographies do nothing to rectify this dichotomy.
Circuit Chautauqua
From 1874 through the early 1930s, a traveling social “program” called “Circuit Chautauqua” crisscrossed America, bringing delight to thousands who witnessed lectures, “Broadway” plays, orators, evangelists, singers, musical troupes and other vaudeville-like performers. According to the University of Iowa exhibit, entered into a national competition sponsored by AmeriTech, Circuit Chautauqua involved 4,546 performers from around the world.
Originally founded to educate Bible teachers, the summer program expanded to a massive, circus-like event held in its familiar brown tent. It featured the foremost political and religious orators, as well as cultural performers. The live musical performances featured opera and band music with a “Bohemian” flavor, featuring groups brought in from Germany.
According to the University of Iowa, “President Theodore Roosevelt called Chautauqua, ‘the most American thing in America’; Woodrow Wilson described it during World War I as an ‘integral part of the national defense’ and William Jennings Bryan deemed it a, ‘potent human factor in molding the mind of the nation.’”
Of special interest was the catalogue of participants which was contained in a large collection of boxes. The names were in alphabetical order, and two stood out from the others. The first was “F.E. Powell” and the second, “Ruth M. Powell.” [23] If Skorzeny and Eric Berman were both being truthful, then this discovery might lead to the disclosure of Skorzeny’s CIA alias, proving that not only was he in the U.S. prior to WWII, he indeed had worked for the U.S. government under the protection of the OSI (which later became the CIA).
The Chautauqua “Powell” clue led to another Powell clue. “Ruth M. Powell” was listed on a web site as a member of the “Association of Retired Intelligence Officers.” [24] Was it possible that she was the same Ruth M. Powell listed as a Chatauqua participant? Is there any question, based upon the comments by two presidents and a secretary of state, that Chautauqua was a powerful propaganda and intelligence-gathering machine?
If Ruth M. Powell could be proven to have lived in S. Florida (per Eric Berman), then the odds would be astronomical that she could be anyone other than the wife of Skorzeny (aka F.E. Powell). And if F.E. and Ruth M. Powell were living in the United States prior to World War II, then they were spies for the Nazis and Circuit Chatauqua provided them with a perfect cover.
As it turned out, a recent phone listing in S. Miami was found under the name, “E. Powell.” The stories of both Berman and Skorzeny are both supported by this phone (and address) record.
When the Library of Congress recently published a condensed version of the University of Iowa’s Circuit Chatauqua exhibit, the names of “F.E. and Ruth M. Powell” were mysteriously missing from the master list, lending further credibility to my contention that they were indeed spies who worked for U.S. intelligence agencies, and their names were intentionally removed. The names of the participants have been rearranged into categories. Understandably, there is no category for “spies.”
George H. Scherf(f), Sr.
Only the most perceptive reader will have noticed the intentional variation in the spelling of “Scherf” with one “f.” Why the variation in spelling? That question will be answered after a closer examination of the real identity of George H. Scherf, Sr. (GHS1/PSB) and his real mission.
Considering Adolph Hitler’s propensity to employ metaphysical symbology and his obsession with the dark side of the occult, it is plausible that GHS1/PSB’s surname had everything to do with his having been chosen for an exceptionally covert plot: To funnel and launder stolen money through American banks sympathetic to the Nazi cause, to profit technologically and financially from stolen technology, and to subvert the government of the United States through bribery, intimidation, murder and espionage.
The following translation of the surname “Scherf” casts some light on the occult (hidden) meaning of the name.
The following quotes are taken directly from the web site,
“SCHERF: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic); from Middle High German. Habitational name from places in the Rhineland named Scherf, or from Scherfede near Warburg. (Note: The word “Ashkenazic” is derived from the Hebrew word for Germany. Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe.)”
“SCHERFLEIN: “If someone “gives his Scherflein” as a contribution to something, it means that he gives a little money or other small gift to a greater whole. A “Scherf” was a halfpenny or obol from the time of the Carolingians (8th and 9th centuries). The name comes from the Latin scripulum meaning the smallest part of a measure or weight and changed from scrip, scirp, scerp to Old High German scerpf and today’s SCHERF. Scripulum is the popular version of scrupulum. In popular speech the expression was applied to small coins in general.” [25]
Skorzeny had some inside information on the Scherf family. After all, he and his S.S. buddies had posed with them at the Scherf home in Germany when he was quite young. This association was by no means a chance encounter and by all appearances, the photo sessions were designed to become mementos to be cherished through the lean years, as a reminder of the “master plan.”
What was the master plan, and how did the Scherf family come to play such a distinctive role?
GHS1/PSB and Nicola Tesla: Nikola Tesla had emigrated from Austria to the U.S. in order to fulfill his destiny as the most prolific scientific inventor in history. If the Scherfs (who were trained in espionage for the purpose of providing Hitler with stolen technologies developed in America) were to be of any worth to Hitler’s unquenchable thirst for advanced weaponry and world domination, they must be able to penetrate Tesla’s inner circle of influence. This mission required deception, stealth, secrecy and financing. Before departing the fatherland, the Scherf’s public records and family history were expunged (except for Otto Skorzeny’s personal photo collection—an unforeseen flaw in their plan).
Until this writing, not much was known about GHS1/PSB. His first obligation was to omit any reference to a middle name, so the “H” was dropped. Then, in order to confuse the issue and prevent anyone from tracing his roots back to Germany, an “F” was added to the end of the Scherf(f) surname. These two steps made genealogical research in Germany extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible. In German genealogical records and databases, the spelling of Scherff (two Fs) is very rare. However, in the United States the opposite is true. The “double-F” spelling is quite common—so common, that there exists but one record of a George “Scherf” ever arriving in the U.S. Since Otto Skorzeny’s familiarity with the Scherf family was usually in the context of espionage, he always assumed the spelling to be the “Americanized” version, which was also the published version in writings about Nikola Tesla. Skorzeny, however, did remember GHS1/PSB’s middle initial (H).
What history is there of GHS1/PSB? Once he left Germany on his own (outside of his relationship with Nikola Tesla and the Union Sulphur Co.), the first record appeared in the Annual Journal of the House of Representatives (AJHR) from Wellington, New Zealand, “for the year 1913 and ending March 31, 1914.” [26] Scherf signed on with the SS Surrey, a steamship that transported arms, soldiers, cash and probably illegal drugs.
The AJHR contained a report about a major insurrection on the ship and numerous crew members were charged with assault, insubordination, dereliction of duty, and other lesser charges. “Able Seaman” GHS1/PSB (with two Fs), was charged with insubordination, then convicted and sentenced with an 11-shilling fine—a rather hefty sum in 1914—or two days in jail. It was not mentioned as for which penalty he ultimately paid.
The timing of this concealed event curiously corresponds with the first year of GHSI/PSB’s “proclaimed attendance” at Yale University.
Evidently, the New Zealand House of Representatives and the New Zealand Maritime Museum both felt the conviction of “George Scherff, Able Seaman” was a significant event in maritime history, which resulted in its publication, not only in the Annual Journal of the House of Representatives, but also on the New Zealand Maritime Museum’s own web site. No age was given, though a safe estimate would place him in his late-teens to early-20s. After his one-year career on the SS Surrey, GHS1/PSB disappeared from the New Zealand shipping manifests.
The seafaring career of GHS1/PSB found new life with the Hamburg-Amerika line (owned by Bro