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Tin Pot Dictator and Puppet-in-Chief - Text of Bush's New Year's Day Message

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to bring aid to those in need. Together the world will cope with the loss and prevail over this destruction.

In the United States, we go forward in the new year with confidence and faith in the future.

Over the past year, Americans have shown resolve and patience in the war on terror.

Comment: More so than resolve and patience, over the past year many Americans have exhibited apathy and intransigence in the face of government lies and deceit, with this speech by Bush being a perfect example of the type of crass propaganda being used to con an entire nation.

Our military men and women have brought justice to the enemy and honor to our country. Because of their bravery, over 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan are now free.

Comment: Not so. The US military has brought overwhelming death and destruction to Iraqi civilians and the Iraqi men and women who are attempting to defend their country from a force of occupation.

At home, Americans have restored the vigor of our economy and answered the call to serve neighbors in need.

Comment: "At home" the US economy is in tatters, a mere illusion that is set to crumble in the very near future.

In the year ahead, we will persevere in the ongoing war on terror to make our nation safer and stronger.

Comment: We do not doubt that the "war on terror" will be "ongoing", but it will not increase the security of the American people. With every day that passes the American people continue to accept the big lie as truth and in doing so bring closer the day when their own "leaders" will once more sacrifice the lives of American civilians to further the agenda of the elite few.

We will continue to confront disease, hunger and poverty at home and abroad. We will build on our economic progress and strengthen Social Security for the next generation so that all our citizens can realize the promise of America.

Comment: When Bush made the comment that the job of governing the American people would be much easier if he were dictator, it seems that he was giving the world an insight into his secret agenda. At present the gap between what the American government is actually doing and what the American people believe it is doing is so vast that Bush can enact laws that destroy any vestiges of American social security and within a few weeks declare to the public that he is going to "strengthen social security". It really would be comical if it were not so tragic.

And we will continue to improve our public schools and uphold our deepest values of faith, family and service.

Comment: The American school system has been in serious decline for many decades now. The average US high school graduate is so chronically under-educated, and the US economy so dilapidated, that very soon the only job prospects for the majority of America's youth will be to sign up for active duty in the global "war on terror".

We are grateful to the men and women of our armed forces who serve and sacrifice to defend our liberty. These heroes and their families have the thanks and respect of our entire nation. We pray for their safety and for peace and understanding throughout the world.

Comment: Well, it doesn't get any more cynical and hypocritical than this. The only liberty that the uniformed men and women of America are "defending" is the liberty of a small select group of men to wage war on the world for personal profit. While Bush claims that he prays for peace and understanding throughout the world, he continues to push forward with policies that actively foment war and suffering. Perhaps this is the result of praying to a god that speaks to the President in his quiet moments and urges him to indiscriminately kill and maim innocent civilians.

Laura joins me in sending our best wishes for a happy New Year. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America.

Comment: The god of Bush will no doubt continue to "bless" America and the American people with further lies, wars, death and destruction, at least until they wake up and recognise that they are living in an overt fascist state-in-waiting.
