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Queen Elizabeth 11 Commits Treason

J. H. Wilson

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es in a Democracy. In a Democracy, the People Rule and the People are the creators of Common Law which, to quote Lord Edward Coke, "doth control Acts of Parliament and adjudges them when against common right to be void", ie: the British People will decide whether to indict Her Majesty for Treason, no matter what fiendish tricks the Parliament might get up to. All they need is to empanel a People's Grand Jury, present a proposed Indictment for Treason against Her Majesty, and, if the Grand Jury concur in finding for a "true bill", the Indictment is filed in the ordinary Courts for a Petit Jury to judge.

Will the British defend themselves and their children? Will the British surrender their heritage, without a fight? What happened to, "We will fight them on the beaches...(etc)"?

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

----- Original Message -----

From: Governor


Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 7:16 AM


The Queen, Treason and the Coronation oath

Tooether with Churchill, King George VI saved our nation; he was a Monarch to be proud of. But his daughter the Queen is the only monarch to have broken her coronation oath, by signing these six treaties that abolish our common law, the British Constitution, the British and English nations, and our sovereignty. She has also committed treason, together with co-signatories Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair.

Realising they stood a good chance of spending the rest of their lives behind bars, Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998 (s36.3), which abolished the crime of treason.

1.4 million British Servicemen gave their lives for our independence. The Queen has thrown their sacrifices away and made them worthless.

At no physical risk to herself, she could have fulfilled her duty as a constitutional check and balance, by refusing to sign the 6 treaties until an in/out referendum had been held. In the unlikely event the vote went against her she might have lost her crown (not her life or a limb), and kept her £9 billion plus palaces. Those servicemen's lives would still have meant something.

But she's dead keen to sign; she's already said she'll sign the last treaty. Princes Charles, William or Harry can then never be King. You can't have a King without a Kingdom: they can only be princes of a region (principality) within Europe.

The Queen's aspirations are not ours; she clearly serves a higher master; the faith she defends cannot be the one we think it is. King George VI must be turning over in his grave.