A Call To Action Is Needed
Sounds like a dictator to me. In the land of free, where freedom of the press, freedom of speech is supposed to be two of our most protected rights, both are being denied us quite blatantly in fact.
I just watched CNN. They showed information about the Downing Street memo and had John Conyers on the air. Gephart tried to down play it saying it was old news and had already been rehashed. But at least it got played on the air.
Soon after a female news commentator came on and mentioned policies prior to 2000 that claimed there were plans to go to war in Iraq before 911. This news clip was obviously cut right there and she went to talking about sports. It was obvious someone is trying to stop any further comment about information.
Members of Congress are also being pressured to not saying anything about the prisoner abuse still going on at GITMO in Cuba. Anyone who does speak out are pressured into a retraction and apology.
We can't allow this to stand. We have a voice, we have fingers that can send emails. We all need to call or email the newspapers, networks, congress and demand they continue with their investigation and to not allow a would be dictator take away our rights and our freedoms which Bush is obviously trying to do with both this and through the Patriot Acts.
News programs are sponsor driven just like other programming. People need to contact their news channels and tell them they will not watch them again until they start reporting the truth. Contact the sponsors of these news programs and tell them you will not buy their products as long as they sponsor a news programing that hides the truth.
This is not about fighting terrorism, it's about taking away our rights using terrorism when we know who the real terrorist are. The real terrorist are the ones who threaten members of congress, the media and even the judical system for daring to speak the truth. Who also threaten us on a daily basis with terror tactics and unnecessary wars based on lies and deception.
It's time to bring in NESARA now so these new threats can't be used to suppress the truth.
If we ever needed Divine Intervention, it's now when it's obvious that congress and the media are going to cave in once again and give Bush what he wants.
We can't allow this to stand.