Brief For Indictment Of Bush Sr. And Jr. For The Crime Of Murder
NWU Law School & Chicago Law School Students
This is something that's always loomed in the background of the JFK assassination--nobody really knows the details of where Nixon got the political and economic backing that enabled him to become president. It didn't happen as the media presented it, spontaneously. It didn't happen with Eisenhower's help, because Eisenhower disowned him on his run for the presidency. His connection with Bebe Rebozo, and even who Bebe was, has never been fully understood
Prescott Bush is the only explanation.
John Knight
----- Original Message -----
From: Henry Ayre
To: Zogs - War ; White _ Frontier ; Truth Seeker ; Treun Cridhe MacGhille Eoin ; Traditional Values Coalition ; The Grip - - ; Roy - Williams ; ; Ramon Armunn Sparks ; Paranoid - Times ; olga scully ; Nat Soc Net ; Kevin - Strom ; ; Hengist - - ; Final - Conflict ; Diane Skiff ; Charles T. Ellis ; Carolyn at Safeway ; Bill - Ayre ; Be Kind Whenever Possible / It is always Possible ! ; B T Busch ; Art - Ayre ; Ed - Steele
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: [ZOGs_WAR] Fw: #4 Brief for Indictment of Bush Sr. and Jr. for the crime of murder by Northwestern University Law School and the University of Chicago Law School. students.
All those in favor say "Aye"
Subject: #4 Brief for Indictment of Bush Sr. and Jr. for the crime of murder by Northwestern University Law School and the University of Chicago Law School. students.
From: Dick Eastman
This paper has one aim: To show that ample evidence exists to issue an indictment against former President George Herbert Walker Bush (#41, father of George W. Bush) for the crime of murder in regard to the people who perished in terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001.
This paper was prepared by students from Northwestern University Law School and the University of Chicago Law School.
We believe this paper will ultimately be faxed, mailed and e-mailed to several million Americans. For this reason, we have chosen to write in a style and format that is easily understood by readers at all levels.
This paper has one aim: To show that ample evidence exists to issue an indictment against former President George Herbert Walker Bush (#41, father of George W. Bush) for the crime of murder in regard to the people who perished in terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001.
This paper details two separate pieces of incriminating circumstantial evidence and concludes with a call for immediate action to be taken against George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Evidence #1
Premise: The operational structure of both the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and the assassination of former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy were exactly the same. In both cases, means, method and motive can be attributed to George H.W. Bush. Also, it can be demonstrated that Mr. Bush was a prime beneficiary of both murderous crimes.
The following is an overview of the 6-point parallel between the two operations:
1. South Vietnam President Diem assassinated = Northern Alliance Leader Massoud assassinated
2. CIA gains control of South Vietnamese military = CIA gains control of Northern Alliance military
3. JFK's head explodes = World Trade Center and Pentagon explode
4. Lee Harvey Oswald (used as a patsy) = Osama bin Laden (used as a patsy)
5. War in Vietnam = War in Afghanistan/War on Terror
6. Bush family benefits the most (Prescott and George H.W.) = Bush family benefits the most (George H.W. and George W.)
Details: On November 2, 1963 -- less than three weeks before JFK was murdered -- the CIA assassinated Ngo Dinh Diem, then President of South Vietnam. Diem was eliminated because he was a major obstacle for the CIA/U.S. military to wage war with North Vietnam. Diem represented the elite Catholics, and 75% of South Vietnam was Buddhist. His repressive policies toward the Buddhists alienated them, and the CIA felt that a new leader was needed to draft and train millions of South Vietnamese ground troops.
On September 9, 2001 -- just two days before the attacks on 9/11 -- General Ahmed Shah Massoud, head of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, was assassinated by CIA contract agents posing as journalists. Massoud was eliminated because he was a major obstacle for the CIA/U.S. military to wage war in Afghanistan on CIA terms. The CIA wanted to direct the theater of war in Afghanistan, and upon victory it was not in the CIA's interest to have Massoud play a central role in the newly created government. At present, the new interim Afghanistan government is dominated by individuals who are intimately connected to the oil industry.
Placing Mr. Bush at or near both crimes: In the 1963 Dallas case Mr. Bush was separated from JFK's alleged assassin by one degree: George DeMohrenschildt. George DeMohrenschildt was Lee Harvey Oswald's best friend. Mr. Bush and George DeMohrenschildt exchanged hundreds of letters, hundreds of phone calls, and had dozens of meetings both before and after JFK's assassination.
General Edward Lansdale was a CIA covert operations specialist who ran the JFK assassination operation. (To see a photo of him at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, search "Lansdale" and "Tramp Photos" on the Web.) George H.W. Bush's father, Prescott Bush, was separated from Gen. Lansdale by one degree: Allen Dulles. (It was Allen Dulles who chose not to mention Gen. Edward Lansdale in the Warren Commission Report. This demonstrates a conspiracy.) Allen Dulles and Prescott Bush were loyal friends and business partners in a relationship spanning several decades.
Placing George H.W. Bush at the current center of American power is not difficult. Although he claims to be "out of the line," U.S. media have reported that Mr. Bush spends nearly every weekend at Camp David meeting with top National Security officials. Also, Mr. Bush spent the night at the White House on September 10, 2001, and left less than two hours before the attacks on September 11th.
Motive: JFK represented a major obstacle for a Bush family member to attain the U.S. Presidency. With JFK eliminated, Prescott Bush's protege, Richard Nixon, did become President, and thus began a series of choice appointments for George H.W. Bush, which would ultimately lead to the Bush family dynasty. Prescott Bush was Nixon's political Godfather; it was Prescott who paired Eisenhower with Nixon, 1952-1960.
Evidence #2
Premise: The group of men in power at the White House when the terrorist attacks struck on September 11, 2001 is the exact same group of men who were in power at the White House when the military coup d'etat occurred in Chile on September 11, 1973. Also, the defining characteristic of both operations is exactly the same (i.e., jets blowing up large buildings).
Details: George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Colin Powell all began their "White House careers" working in Richard Nixon's Administration. These four men worked for President Nixon at the same time and knew each other well.
After the coup in Chile on September 11, 1973, President Nixon was ecstatic. He considered it the finest military coup in history, and he watched with glee the video of Hawker Hunter jets dropping their bombs and firing their rockets at the Chilean presidential palace, blowing it apart in broad daylight. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Powell were very aware of how pleased Nixon was with the operation.
Investigators of serial murder cases look for similarities in such crimes to establish a pattern. A definitive pattern exists between the attack in Chile on September 11, 1973, and the attacks on September 11, 2001. In a very real sense, 9/11/01 seems to be a kind of calling card saying, "We remember you, Mr. Nixon."
A Call to Action
The Law is in a hypersensitive state at the present time. Normal civil and criminal jurisprudence is quickly giving way to War Laws. It is consistent with actions taken against thousands of individuals, both foreign and American citizens, regarding the War on Terror, to arrest and indict George Herbert Walker Bush based on the evidence presented in this paper. The charge is murder. (Save treason for later -- it's difficult to prove.)
Under the Patriot Act, any of Mr. Bush's records kept at his home in Kennebunkport, his private 10,000-acre training camp in South Carolina, and his personal underground bunker on Deer Island in New York should be seized immediately. All notes and minutes of meetings he's had with top intelligence officers and other government officials at Camp David over the past 18 months must be confiscated as well.
In 1997 the Central Intelligence Agency named its headquarters "The George Bush Center for Intelligence." And for good reason -- George H.W. Bush was and is the central figure of all American and world intelligence circles. Arresting George H.W. Bush will effectively and quantifiably cut him "out of the loop" and "out of the line," especially regarding any schemes or designs he may have planned for America following the November 2002 elections.
With all our might, we must indict!
"Two world wars, shame on them.
A third world war, shame on us."
See the attack video evidence here:
animated sequencing
frame-by-frame sequencing
1) the size of tail fin image in frame #1 requires that for the plane to be a Boeing 757, the front
end of its fuselage would have to be visible extending out to the left of the stone driveway pillar in
the picture.
check: a) the 757 is over seven times the length of its own tail fin, i.e., it would take
seven and a quarter tail fins to cover the back of a Boeing 757, Stegasaurus style, from the tailfin
in the rear to the nose, but the width of the image of the driveway pillar that conceals the
attacking plane's entire fuselage is only five times as wide as the tail fin that appears sticking
up above and behind the pillar (so that regardless of angle of approach to the Pentagon wall or of
distance of the aircraft from the camera, the plane simply cannot be aircraft of the length and form
of a Boeing 757;
b) a 757 is 155 feet long and the Pentagon if you stood the aircraft behind the pillar on end against the wall, say half way to the far end of the wall from the impact point, it would reach no more than 70 percent of the wall's height, the method is rough, but the margin of error in your estimate can be nowhere near the 218 percent difference that would be needed to turn that attack jet into Flight 77.
2) the presence of the unmistakable white horizonal missile plume being launched by the plane to weaken the wall in the vicinity of impact so that the jet can easily invade the Pentagon interior without give-away aircraft parts bouncing back on the grass and giving away the frameup;
3) in frame #2 the tell-tale white-hot intitial explosion of the missile warhead is definitely neither a jet fuel kerosene fire, nor the result of aluminum, plastic and flesh crashing into brick, concrete and glass;
4) the blossom of white-hot explosion of the missile warhead spreads laterally, more so than the subsequent jet fuel flames that in frame #3 come from inside the Pentagon, suggesting that the warhead was designed to trigger at the split second of impact rather than after entry through the wall.
All existing coverup scenarios seeking to explain away this smoking-gun evidence have just been
Yours truly,
Dick Eastman
223 S. 64th Ave.
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man
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Solution oriented:
LET'S STOP KIDDING OURSELVES! 9-11 was a Zionist spanking on our collective American bottom! A Boeing 757 DIDN'T pierce through six walls of the Pentagon (impossible + no aircraft debris), a late model cruise missile did the job; the Twin Towers DIDN'T collapse due to heat (impossible), demolition charges did the job; there were NO Arab hijackers (the jets were guided electronically); and the Zionists/Judeo-Christians now in control of the United States are traitors
to the U.S. Constitution... as well as being mass murderers.This has been a Zionist WAG THE DOG operation from the start, deadly serious for our elected leaders WHO KNOW WHO'S GUILTY, and an Arabian Nights charade for Mom and Pop in Littletown, U.S.A.! So let's start figuring out what we can do about it!