US Presidents Daughter Saved In Assassination Attempt As Turmoil Surrounds Regime Leaders
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr
Reports from FSB sources in Argentina describe a scene of ‘chaos’ as one of the First Daughters Secret Service body guard detachment was wounded by the bullets meant for the young woman, and upon fleeing the scene with her protectors abandoned her personal luggage which could be seen lying in the blood stained sidewalk in front of the hotel.
American propaganda organs, as always, have not released this information to their people choosing instead to describe this assassination attempt as a ‘mugging’, which is beyond our belief to understand as the American Presidents Family are the most protected human beings in the World. Even more incredible than this report are these same American propaganda organs reporting that the wounded Secret Service bodyguard was also ‘mugged’ in an ‘altercation’ in a bar.
More ominously for the American Ruling Elite Families was this latest attack upon them follows by days a similar attack upon the Clinton Family compound in Chappaqua, New York which left one of their neighbor’s dead and another in grave condition. Likewise, American propaganda organs ‘explained’ this attack as being a ‘mysterious shooting’ of the Clinton Family neighbors.
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting that these attacks are linked to the American Presidents planned visit to Jordan next week, but which is in fact a ‘secret mission’ to the ancient Iraqi city of Babylon where it is expected he will complete the ‘ritual’ begun this past year, and as we have previously reported on in our April 16 report titled "Mysterious ‘Ritual’ Performed By United States Military Forces In Babylon Raises Concerns Of Muslim And Russian Orthodox Religious Leaders", and wherein we had stated:
“To the Darkness that has enveloped the Western peoples for their devotion to the ancient gods of darkness we have spoken of many times, but with these new events occurring in Babylon today the entire world should indeed shudder…for by all accounts, those cruel demons of our ancient days may be once again unleashed upon us all by the actions of the Americans.
For even in our most ancient of days these horrific dark masters were feared by the Angels themselves, and as war with the Persians of Iran is soon to occur, and which will undoubtedly unleash the largest war of all, it is well that we all remember the words of Daniel [10:20] about this greatest of beasts, read and understand:
"But I am going back to make war with the angel of Persia, and when I am gone, the angel of Greece will come. And there is no one on my side against these, but Michael, your angel."
As more is know of these events we will report them, but none will suffer greater than those in Athens and Memphis.
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]