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The Black Veil Lifts!!

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OWN them!! There was an agenda of this illegal, unelected administration to start WWlll in the Middle East, and have homeland gestapo, by the end of 2003! These dastardly plans were revealed in Dannion Brinkley's near death experience book, Saved by the Light!!!

It is backfiring, because you can't keep 'world ruining' plans like this on track when people, who love a Nation run by Constitutional Law, and who are wanting our nation to be a leader of freedom, peace, and prosperity, think, act, and revolt!!!

The Skull and Bones Society, which all the Bush men are members, has the iniatiates steal the skulls of famous people!! Then they put it on the Skull and Bones mantle forever!!!

Bush's grandfather, who supported Hitler financially and believed in Hitler's NWO, stole the head of Geronomo for his Skull and Bones initiation! There is an Indian curse on Geronomo's bones, and the sacred ground he was buried in!!! It's all coming home to roost now on the Bush family agenda and the members of Skull and Bones, who have Geronomo's skull!!!

Love, Dianne
