A Message from Ramsey Clark
Impeachment is more important now than ever. The most serious crimes against peace and humanity and crimes of war have been committed in plain view on TV, worldwide. Iraq lies bleeding and angry with uncounted, unmentioned tens of thousands dead, slaughtered, cities in rubble, hospitals overflowing with critically injured men, women and children, but few emergency medical supplies.
President Bush, the Vice President, Secretaries Powell and Rumsfeld, Attorney General Ashcroft are celebrating as their friends in American corporations plan to reap vast profits and control oil resources, the prize for international crimes. They must be held accountable.
Nearly two hundred thousand people have already voted to impeach online. Many tens of thousands of paper ballots are being counted. Votes are pouring in. Full page ads in the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and smaller papers have informed millions of the campaign.
We need your help now to press on. We need a million votes and more.
Impeachment is the nonviolent means the American people have to take back the Constitution in time to restore honor to our government and find peace with the rest of the world. Get out to vote. Contribute to the campaign.
Ramsey Clark
Information on the Newspaper Ad Campaign from VoteToImpeach.org
Congratulations to everyone - the VoteToImpeach Ad has appeared in the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and a number of newspapers in other cities, reaching millions. Many people have expressed an interest in taking the initiative to place the ad in their own local newspapers or periodicals. To get information about this process, we have established a separate e-mail address for inquiries. Please contact: ads@VoteToImpeach.org.
To make a financial contribution to support the impeachment campaign, visit http://www.votetoimpeach.org/donate.htm .
National Press Club Invites Ramsey Clark to be Featured Speaker at Upcoming May 12 Luncheon in Washington, D.C.
As the country prepares to enter the next election cycle, Ramsey Clark will make a national address on how "U.S. Militarism Threatens the Destiny of Humanity," at the National Press Club on May 12. Mr. Clark will also charge George W. Bush and his administration with committing high crimes and misdemeanors warranting impeachment. For those in the D.C. metropolitan area who would like to attend in person, advance reservations can be made by telephoning the Press Club at (202) 662-7501. For additional information on the luncheon event go to:
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