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News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government

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down from Long Island to Washington last Monday morning, and they were to return Tuesday evening. Around midnight on Tuesday, my son returned home, looking tired from the drive. The next morning, he told me he didn't have a good time because they basically stood around and watched the president [sic] say a few words. He said there was no food provided for them, so they ate after the event at some fast-food restaurant. They spend all this money for this celebration and can't feed my son? He stayed at a local military base with the rest of the group, but they made him pay for the room. Apparently, there was a mix-up, or they were short a room. I don't care what the problem was, he was told to go, this was not an option, orders were cut for this excursion! I am disgusted and horrified that he had to even show his wallet for this event..."

-Rebecca Lawson, West Babylon, N.Y. [I bet Halliburton and Monsanto executives didn't have to pay *their* own way.]

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