Ehud Olmert Said It !!
--speaking to reporters on October 22, 2003 following the
UN General Assembly's resolution by overwhelming consensus
demanding that Israel "stop and reverse" its construction of the
West Bank separation barrier which cuts deep inside Palestinian
territory, "stop expelling and attacking civilians", and "stop extra-
judicial killings". Olmert was Ariel Sharon's Industry Minister
at the time. The U.S., Israel, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands
were the only UN members to vote against the resolution.
Ehud Olmert
12th and current Prime Minister of Israel
(since 4 January 2006) and former leader of
Kadima. Due to public pressure for alleged
corruption, Olmert formally resigned from
office followihg September 2008 leadership
elections in which Tzipi Livni won the ballot,
but remains interim Prime Minister until a
new Prime Minister is sworn in following
government general elections likely to be
held on 17 February 2009.