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Norton Schwartz Head of the U.S. Air Force Meets with Israeli War Criminals

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----- Original Message -----
From: John Churchilly 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:47 PM
Subject:  "La Voz de Aztlan" : Khazari head of the U.S. Air Force meets with Israeli war criminals

Los Angeles, Alta California

July 24, 2009

Gen. Norton Schwartz head of the U.S. Air Force meets with Israeli war criminals

The commander of the U.S. Air Force met with a notorious Zionist war criminal during a four day visit to Israel.

Gen. Norton Schwartz, the chief of staff of the Air Force, was given the "red carpet treatment" by the Israel Defense Forces during a tour of the Zionist regime from Sunday to Wednesday. Schwartz was the guest of the Israel Air Forces' commander, Maj. Gen. Ido Nechushtan who will most probably face war crime charges in an international court of justice for leading all the operations of destruction with tons of phosphorus bombs during the operation "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.

The genocidal attack on Gaza left over 1420 civilians dead of which approximately 340 were children. Many children were burned to death and some were left blind by the phosphorus bombs dropped on Gaza by orders of Maj. Gen. Ido Nechushtan.

Unknown to many Americans, the US Pentagon has now become a tool of pro-Israel Zionists. This situation is going to cost US taxpayers and American families dearly.


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La Voz de Aztlan

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