One must understand how the illegal and immemorial  war’s in Iraq and Afghanistan were started and now prolonged by killing of many people who were just “suspected” terrorists.  First was the US wanted to install an oil well pipeline across territory to one of the ‘stan countries.  The US and the Taliban could not come to financial terms, so Dick Cheney convinced George Bush to whip the Taliban in order to build the pipeline.  As everybody knows, there was a lull of a couple years, when it was decided to pick a country with a despised leader, which turned out to be Iraq.  We beat Iraq’s forces handily in a couple days.  Then Afghanistan become alive.  We helped them beat the Russians then turned on them with the goal again of beating the Taliban which we thought we could do without too many being killed on our side.  Now we may send 30 to 40,000 more troops and anticipate a long war of about 10 more years there.  We have been the world’s policeman or hammer long enough.  WHAT GIVES? Where am I wrong?



GAME SIGNALS ATTACK ON IRANBy Paul Craig Roberts Oct. 28, 2009

There's no word in the Western press, but Al Jazeera reports that the US and Israel are conducting tests of the high altitude missile defense system that the US has provided to Israel.  The anti-missile system is useless against the short range rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah. Its purpose is to protect Israel from longer range Iranian missiles. Everyone understands that Iran would not attack Israel except in retaliation. It is logical to conclude that the missile defense system signals an upcoming Israeli attack on Iran. If the US were opposed to an Israeli attack on Iran, the US would not provide Israel with protection against retaliation and would not engage in war games with Israel to test the system. The best way to prevent an Israeli attack on Iran is to leave Israel open to retaliation. This decision by the United States government is irresponsible in the extreme. It enables Israel to spread aggression in the Middle East. By signaling an attack, it would encourage a less cautious country than Iran to strike first before the Israeli missile defense system is operative. The joint US-Israeli war games involving 2000 troops from the US European Command, the Israeli Army, and 17 US Navy ships is further indication to the world that no matter what crimes the Israelis commit, the US will protect Israel from being held accountable.
In the world today, the US and Israel are the two threats to peace.
Hide Behind | 10.27.09 - 9:48 pm | #
In order to understand the why and how of Israel always getting the best of US technology one first has to know one fact, U.S. development in weaponry is in conjunciton with Israel, there is no seperation of the two. The best and brightest of Israeli math and science graduates are in high demand in our defense department industry. Not just in those fields but in almost every field we today call high-tech. Israel today is just about even with the UK in ownership of property and assets within the US, #4 of all foreign owned. It has just launched a "Buy Israel Campaign" with Candian governments politcal and fiancial backing, and is fast becoming one of largest foreign owned capital investors within that country as well.  No military industrial up to the highest secretive program is not rife with Israeli schooled technicians. Now one also must understand that Israel has a universal service program and it begins with what in US would be highschool age 117 or 18 graduates. By the time the Israeli student recieves their College training and graduates they are in the 25 to 26 and older age grouping. Perfect for what the Military Industrial of US needs as far as tech capable but they are alos INDOCTRINATED INTO THE ISRAELI SOCIAL AND MILITARY MINDSET.
While admitedly my association with those within the miltiary developement fields is somewhat limited the very fact of such a limited grouping have all said that in their workplaces there is an overabundance of Israel dual citizenship and not just as lab assistants but as Lead Scientist on their projects. One such project is in the Missle Defense Lazer Systems that an aquaintence worked within and over a span of 22 years. When he first worked for them Raytheon there were few of israel citizens working there, this was during the very early years it was German and US citizens trained within their host countries but after he left to work for a chemcial deelopement firm for 5 or 6 years he once again went back and to his amazement it was almost totally those of Israeli citizenship who were not jsut working on the project but wer the actual leadership with only a very few US and they were mostly of military brass advisors to the Raytheon owners with the grunts doing the heavy work. This goes also for the developement of our Stealth Aircraft technology, our microwave and sound weaponry and even in our pulse beam technology fields. Israeli Contractors are active within all developement fields, not US based Isaeli firms but actual Israel firms who are subsidized by the Isrtaeli government. How this for trust by Israel of US technology.
Before Israel accepts any aircraft from USD they remove any US brains within the planes control systems, any recognition signals that have been built into all US military aircraft wether for export or domestic. They install Israeli built computer systems that are not just as good as ours but superior and have been developed within Israels puter labs; seperate from US eyes. they did the very same thing to our Patriot missle systems given them during Gulf War I and which today guard the Iranian nuke sites. Wanna bet against that within those misle systems brains ther is not a relay to blind them tht can be tripped by both US and Israel satelites?  One woule be surprised to find out how much Israeli capital is invested within both South and Latin America. If one cares to take a close look at Isrtaels standing within worlds richest nations one would find that they invest more money within China than does US or the Euro firms.  Israel now surpasses 24 of its neighboring nations in capital ratings, with only one coming close, Saudi Arabia in captial assets but not in overseas ownership of productive means..
Hell they sell us the rope and then bitch when they hang us with it.