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Gaza flotilla video mashup: Internet Killed Israeli PR

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You had them on your wireless saying, 'Death to Jews'

You sliced & diced & circumcised & claimed Fair Use

600 Turks were singing 'Girl U Know It's True'

YouTube & Reddit, Twitter, Facebook,

You spammed them all & then you even posted 3

Casual Encounters on CraigsList NYC

IDF spokesmen

Who freakin' trained them?

Bloggers came & broke your heart
Now you tweet your new surveillance video

Cyborg Al-Qaida from the future snorting blow

set to the theme music from Hawaii Five-O

He had a knife and

Wait a second: that's Barbra Streisand

You couldn't find my SD card

You're in a bind says Michael Sfard

The Shin Bet mined my SD card

& played it back on NPR

Born & raised in Arkansas

I brought 6 nukes for the Hamas

We are the Mavi Marmara

You are the sloppy hasbara


August 19, 2010